The Female '21 Jump Street' Meets Tina Belcher
BE STILL MY CHEESEBURGER PUN LOVING HEART! The sister writing duo of Bob's Burgers, Lizzie and Wendy Molyneux, have just signed on to pen the screenplay for a female-driven spinoff of the juggernaut 21 Jump Street franchise. This new installment isn't going to replace the Channing Tatum and Jonah Hill for 23 Jump Street, rather, it's going to be an off-shoot of the 21 Jump Street brand. According to The Hollywood Reporter , Sony originally brought on Broad City writers Lucia Aniello and Paul W. Downs, but now it appears the studio is doing a dual-development deal. Considering this summer has some big comedies that feature female leads (as well as writers, producers and directors) — like Spy, Hot Pursuit, and the upcoming Trainwreck — it seems like Hollywood is finally taking the hint that women are bankable comedy stars.
What's more exciting about the Molyneux sisters joining this project is that Bob's Burgers is a proudly feminist, body-and-sex-positive show. Having these two involved in a big-budget action-comedy can only help to further turn the genre on its head. If The Heat taught us anything it's that women with badges are here to kick ass and take names all over the box office. Then before you know it, these comedies just get to be comedies without being branded as "female versions."
I can just hear Tina Belcher shuddering "uuugghhhhhhhhs" of joy over the news.
Here's what we can expect from the spin-off:
Sexual Awkwardness
Look, not all action stars are suave n' sexy officers. By the power of Bob's Burgers, this movie will be chock full of awkward sexual encounters and I kiiiiiiind of can't wait.
The Return of Mercedes
She totally stole 22 Jump Street and is an international drug lord. She needs to be the big bad villain in the spinoff.
Plus The Return of Fugazy and Jr. Jr.
That is if Dakota Johnson can make it work around her 50 Shades schedule...
Lots of Puns
Have you SEEN the Burger of the Day board?
And Even More Jokes About Butts
I expect lots and lots of cheeky humor.
Images: Fox (2); giphy, passive-insomniac; perezhilton/Tumblr