How To Use Periscope If You're A Beauty Fanatic

Surely, you've heard about the new app called Periscope, right? It's Twitter's version of a live-streaming video service. While the app still isn't a staple figure in the world of social media, Periscope is in fact a treasure trove for beauty addicts. Don't believe me? Well, there is an entire world of beauty-related content on the app, and it's absolutely phenomenal to watch. Whether it's live tutorials or interviews with industry professionals, this app has it all. What I like so much about using Periscope is that the content has a feeling of exclusivity and immediacy. Basically, once the live-stream is over, it's over. Unlike other video platforms i.e. YouTube, the content doesn't stick around forever. You have up to twenty-four hours to rewatch the video, and then it's gone. Think of Periscope as the older brother to Snapchat — with less dick pics (as nudity is banned).
Another interesting thing about Periscope is that you can interact immediately with those posting the video. The app allows viewers to comment in real time with the video broadcast. This is awesome for beauty addicts as you can ask questions to practically anyone in the beauty industry. "Excuse me Anna Wintour, what are your thoughts on red lipstick?" I would die. Still wondering what beauty hotspots to check out on the app? Here are a few ways to delve into the world of beauty on Periscope.
1. Connect with your favorite magazines
Whether it's Vogue, Allure, or Elle, there is a chance that your favorite magazine has Periscope account. This means that some of the most trusted names in beauty journalism are at your fingertips. One of my personal favorites is the Cosmopolitan magazine account. They are always doing fun interviews and beauty broadcasts.
2. Live-stream major events
Did you know that the entire 2015 Met Gala was streamed on Periscope? Talk about an insider look at one of the coolest events in beauty and fashion.
3. Makeup tutorials
From industry professionals to amateur beauty enthusiasts, everyone takes a stab at beauty tutorials on Periscope. It's a great way to learn new tricks, and ask real time questions about how exactly they are making their contour look so fierce.
Images: berc/Fotolia