'BB17's Twin Un-Twist Could Still Surprise Us

By now, just about every Big Brother fan has probably heard that Liz Nolan has an identical twin, which probably means she's the houseguest attempting to fool the other houseguests on Big Brother Season 17. As a result, the Twin Twist has lost a lot of its steam for the fans, even though we still have the moment that the house guests clue in to look forward to. However, I think that's way too easy. I mean, why would CBS introduce the Twin Twist in the same season as a houseguest who has literally done some modeling with her twin at her side? They know we use the Internet. They know we're obsessed with the show and will dig up all we can about these houseguests. They know. And for that reason, I think there might be another houseguest with a twin on Big Brother 17.
Hear me out. There are just still so many opportunities for Big Brother 17 to turn this Twin Twist back into a twist for the audience as well that I can't help thinking of the possibilities. And, to be honest, there are so many houseguests lying about aspects of their lives or careers in the introduction scenes alone that it made me wonder what they might be keeping from the audience through some clever video editing and through deleting things off their social media accounts. Some of the houseguests didn't give us much of a glimpse of their lives outside the house; so who's to say they didn't deliberately leave out a certain identical sibling?
Here are eight houseguests I already suspect might be hiding an identical twin, because, if not Liz, then these guests have already shown themselves capable of duping us all.
1. James Huling
Huling told us upfront in his introduction that he is adopted, but he didn't mention any brothers or sisters that he might have. Maybe he was adopted as part of a matched set. After all, he's already dominated the first HoH competition, asserting himself as a strong competitor in this house. Who knows what else he's hiding?
2. Austin Matelson
With an onstage wrestling name like Judas, I expect Austin to betray the audience by being the one who really has a twin. The real question I would have in that situation is: Did you both grow your hair like that, or is one of you wearing a wig?
3. Da'Vonne Rogers
Da'Vonne has spent most of her time so far in the house trying to assess which one of her fellow competitors are lying, or exaggerating the truth. With her ability to keep such a pa-pa-pa-pokerface on throughout the game, I wouldn't be surprised if she's hiding a twin somewhere.
4. Vanessa Rousso
Vanessa has the same problem as Da'Vonne, above, in that she can bluff with the best of them, which makes it hard for me to believe that she wouldn't be able to keep a twin hidden throughout the competition.
5. Meg Maley
The only loved one that Meg introduced us was her self-titled "gusman" or "gay husband." No family? No family except him? Is it because her family doesn't live in New York City with her, or is it because her family includes an equally loud twin sister who is already trying to fool us in the house?
6. Jason Roy
Jason freely admitted that he stacks groceries for a living and that he lives in his parents' basement. While he certainly seems open with the details of his life, his current living arrangements make me believe he has the most reason to want to win the monetary prize. His chances would increase if he participated in the Twin Twist.
7. Steve Moses
Steve is already being underestimated by everyone in the house due to his adorkable nature, but I DON'T TRUST HIM.
8. Clay Honeycutt
OK, so maybe I just really wish there were two Clay Honeycutts running around in the world. However, Clay neglected to mention to the other houseguests that he plays college football, so he might have also neglected to mention to the audience that his small town has a population that includes another guy who looks just like him.
In all likelihood, Liz Nolan is the person who will be twin-switching for as long as she can get away with it. But these eight houseguests should totally have a twin, too. Now that would make this the twist-iest summer in Big Brother history.
Image: CBS (9)