'Mockingjay Part 2' Is Getting Closer

Look, I get it. After a somewhat underwhelming Hunger Games: Mockingjay — Part 1 release last year, I think most of us are feeling a little cautious about getting our hopes up for Mockingjay — Part 2 , which is due out later this year. But I like to consider myself an optimist, and since I read Suzanne Collins' books as they came out and loved them, I'm still admittedly pretty excited to see what becomes of the final installment of the film franchise and how the events of Mockingjay the book compared to Mockingjay the movie. Plus, let's be honest: how can you not get even a little bit excited when you see promos for the last movie, like the new still of Effie and Katniss together that was released on Thursday?
I love that the newest sneak peek into Mockingjay Part 2 features these two characters, because they're two of my favorites. Effie was always so fascinating and fun from the beginning, and I was so glad that she chose the right side when all the chips were down. I don't think anyone needs an explanation on why Katniss is amazing, so I won't even go there. The relationship between these two was wonderful to read about in the books and has been rewarding to see play out on screen by Elizabeth Banks and Jennifer Lawrence, as well.
While the new still doesn't give much away in terms of what's happening within it or in the movie in general, those of us who know the story already know what to expect. It's about to get REAL — even realer than it already is — in the final installment. Entertainment Weekly, which published the photo, says that the characters are "[preparing] for the end". I won't say what the end is for those who don't know, but needless to say, it makes the photo even more harrowing. Ugh, I'm already feeling emotions and we still have months to go.
Regardless of how Mockingjay Part 2 plays out, it's been a good run for the dystopian franchise, and the story has set the tone for basically every YA novel turned movie that's come since. Before The Hunger Games, YA fiction was basically relegated to Harry Potter and that was it. The genre has only opened up from there, and I'm pretty happy it has.