
Will We Be Able To Stream 'Aquarius' Season 2?

by Alice Walker

By now, news has set in that Aquarius has been renewed for a second season, and like all of you, I am pumped. I'm ready to dive back into the turbulent world of the 60s and untangle some mass murders, I cannot wait for them to answer all the questions fans have for Season 2, and, yeah, between this and the X-files revival (just saying that gives me the tingles), I am just plain spoiled for David Duchovny — I wouldn't have it any other way. Still, I have one little request: Aquarius Season 2 needs to be available to stream online.

I know I should be happy that we are getting a Season 2 at all, but when NBC made all episodes of Season 1 available online after it premiered, I became accustomed to a certain level of comfort — and they just cannot take that away from me now. Having to wait for each episode week after week would be torture, and would take away from the fun summer fling spirit that Season 1 captured so clearly.

Just in case anyone needs further convincing (*ahem* powers that be at NBC), I have assembled the seven iron-clad reasons why Season 2 needs to be streamable.

1. The First Hit Was Free

They've got us hooked on marathoning the show, and now we cannot go back. It's an addicting show, and being able to watch it all at once only made it more so — in the best way possible.

2. You Can Plow Through Slow Plots

Not interested in internal affairs? Could take or leave the issues with Hodiak's son? No problem! When you're speeding through a show, the next (more scintillating plot line) is just a click away.

3. It's Perfect For Lazy Summer Days

OK, I'm not sure when exactly this will air, but, really, staying in and marathoning a show is just good fun, regardless of the season.

4. It Keeps Things Spoiler Free

The hardest part about watching a show live is trying to dodge all of the tweets, headlines and general spoilers that come out about it — especially if you cannot watch it live. Putting it online lets people check out the entire show, before the Internet can tell you what happens.

5. It Allows For Easy Access

We want what we want, when we want it! When NBC adds this to their easy-access website, everyone gets to enjoy the culty-goodness of Aquarius.

6. Anywhere, Anytime

Much like the benefit above, being able to access the show not just on your television is crazy convenient. I mean, really, sometimes you just need a solid show to get you through your commute — as long as you aren't the one driving.

7. I Just Can't Wait

Selfish? Maybe. True? Absolutely! I want this show as fast as I can get it, and I don't want to have to wait. It's a streaming world baby, and we are all just living in it.

Images: Vivian Zink/NBC; giphy(7)