9 Amazing Ways To Celebrate National Junk Food Day

If there is one thing I love in this world, it's junk food. National Junk Food Day (which falls on July 21, for those of you foodies keeping track) is basically my own little slice of heaven. It's like having Christmas, my birthday, and Mardi Gras all rolled into one incredibly amazing day.
People have the tendency to severely underestimate my love for junk food, so I always like to share that I was voted "Biggest Fast Food Junkie" in my high school's senior survey. My graduating class consisted of a little more than 700 students, so I had my fair share of stiff competition. But I took home the title, and have been spending the rest of my young adult years making sure I continue to live up to my reputation.
Don't get me wrong — I know it's important to maintain a balanced and healthy diet. I try to eat decent helpings of fruits and veggies, and I definitely enjoy the occasional salad. But, every now and then, it's great to pig out on tons of delicious food that you know is terrible for you. If you can't do it on National Junk Food Day, when can you?!
So, in honor of my favorite holiday, I've rounded up some crazy homemade junk foods for you to whip together and enjoy. Of course, if you aren't feeling ambitious enough to make your own treats, you could always be lazy and just pick up your favorite packages of snacks at the store — that's definitely what I'm going to do.
1. Cheez-Its
Is there anything better than the cheesy, salty, and crunchy deliciousness of Cheez-Its? With just a few ingredients — including extra sharp cheddar shredded cheese — this recipe for homemade Cheez-Its is incredibly easy and savory.
2. Oreos
Without a doubt, Oreos are on my top five list of favorite junk foods. With soft, chocolatey cookies made from Devil's Food Cake and cream cheese filling, these homemade Oreos almost sound better than the originals.
3. Twinkies
I think Twinkies take the cake (see what I did there?) for being the most elusive junk food. Nobody ever quite knows if they're still on grocery store shelves or not. Avoid confusion and potential disappointment by making your own. The stuffing in these homemade Twinkies is made using marshmallow fluff — so, you know they have to be good!
4. Doritos Crunch Wrap
Admittedly, I haven't actually eaten at Taco Bell in ages. So, being able to replicate the deliciousness in my own kitchen sounds ideal. This homemade Doritos Crunch Wrap looks amazing — and it's super simple to assemble.
5. Gumdrops
I love any sort of sweet, gummy candy. But, they've always seemed like they would be completely impossible to make myself. This recipe for homemade Gumdrops makes it simple — so you can enjoy as much colorful, sugary goodness as you want.
6. Hostess Cupcakes
I think Hostess pretty much dominates the market when it comes to packaged junk food snacks. I always thought that those adorable Hostess cupcakes looked so delicious and chocolatey, but I've never actually tasted them (seriously!). I might just have to try to make the homemade version myself!
7. Potato Chips
I have a pretty big sweet tooth, but I also crave salty and crunchy foods pretty frequently too. These homemade potato chips have me practically drooling all over my keyboard. Plus, they don't look too difficult to make!
8. Moon Pies
If you're anything like me, you have vivid dreams about the gooey deliciousness of moon pies. This homemade version is gluten-free, which I basically equate with being super nutritious and good for me. That means I can have two, right?
9. Peanut Butter Cups
Whoever thought of pairing chocolate and peanut butter together was clearly a genius. Forgive me, Reese's, but I think these homemade peanut butter cups look even more delectable than the packaged version.
Looking for more delicious ways to celebrate National Junk Food Day? Check out our video that shows you how to make your own DIY cookie butter (and visit Bustle on YouTube for more great ideas).
Images: Susan Sermoneta/Flickr; Michelle/Brown Eyed Baker (2); Lizzy/Your Cup of Cake; Joy/Joy the Baker; Endless Simmer; Bakerella; Jaden/Steamy Kitchen; Nicole Hunn/Gluten Free on a Shoestring; Georgia/The Comfort of Cooking