Has Anyone On 'Big Brother' Ditched A Veto?

Just in case you haven’t been glued to the Big Brother live feeds for the past 34 days, you may have missed some key details from the last few days. Like, the fact that Audrey has been holing herself up in the Have Not room for the past three of them?
Oh yeah. Things are getting dicey in the Big Brother house.
At about noon on Day 33, Audrey locked herself in the diary room for over four hours, postponing the veto ceremony for a good chunk of time. Eventually, the other houseguests decided to carry on without her, and I’m thinking that was the best decision to everyone. After a couple of days of Audrey acting erratic and downright bizarre, she clearly needed time to speak with production and take care of herself. But, since that moment, I'm sure many are wondering — is Audrey the first houseguest ever to miss a veto ceremony?
The Season 17 houseguest has had a rough couple of days, leaving her fellow housemates more concerned about her mental and emotional wellbeing than anything else. Shelli, Vanessa, and Becky, especially, have rallied around Audrey as she has shown signs of distress and anxiety over the past few days. Like, when she had a legit anxiety attack in Vanessa’s room, during which time she claimed to hear ringing in her ears and to be hallucinating.
After Audrey’s four hours in the Diary Room, she went immediately to the Have Not room and has only come out once that we know of. Whether her behavior is intentional or not has yet to be determined.
So, has anyone else ever missed a veto ceremony? Surprisingly, yes: Only one, though. The only other housemate who has ever missed a veto ceremony was Jocasta Odom during Season 16, and the only reason why she was allowed to miss it was because she was sick. Considering Jocasta is the only other houseguest who has been allowed to take time off from the Big Brother cameras, I’m guessing that the reason why Audrey is being allowed to stay locked away in her room and miss important events is because she is legitimately unwell.
Whatever it is that is happening to force Audrey to miss the veto ceremony, I hope that she's taking care of herself, and putting her health first.
To keep track of everything going on in the Big Brother house, check out Bustle’s very own Big Brother podcast, The Diary Room. Listen to the latest episode below, and be sure to check out future episodes on Bustle’s SoundCloud page and iTunes.
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Image: CBS (2)