Will Audrey Show At The Live Eviction on 'BB17'?

Poor, poor Audrey. It’s been a rough couple of days for the Big Brother contestant, according to the live feeds. It all started on Day 32, when the houseguest became frantic to save herself from eviction and pulled out all the stops to secure her alliances with everyone she could think of. She talked to almost everyone about the plan for nominations, their current alliances, and how she didn’t think she could trust Shelli or Clay. In the process, of course, she majorly threw herself under the bus and made it clear that no one could trust her. Way to sign your own eviction notice, Audrey!
Still, the girl is seriously distressed. Ever since this last ditch effort to save herself, Audrey has been threatening to leave the house to avoid being evicted on Thursday’s live episode. Since then, Audrey’s behavior has become even more erratic and worrisome: She had a nervous breakdown in Vanessa’s room, claiming to hear ringing in her ears and to be hallucinating something fierce. Later, she locked herself in the Diary Room for over four hours, postponing and ultimately missing the veto ceremony. (For the record, Audrey is only the second person to miss a veto ceremony in all 17 seasons, so it’s definitely a big deal.) Ever since she left the Diary Room, she has been locked in the Have Not room, remaining in the dark and not answering to anyone’s knocks.
Yeah. Things are definitely getting a little dicey for Audrey in the Big Brother house.
So, considering she missed the veto ceremony, I have to wonder if Audrey plans to make it to any of the other mandated Big Brother events. She was nominated to compete in the veto ceremony, but will she even show up to compete? And, more importantly, will she come out of her room for the live eviction on Thursday night?
All of that has yet to be determined, but I think it’s definitely possible Audrey will not be joining the housemates for any of the other events this week. My guess is that one of two things are happening here: Audrey is either experiencing a mental breakdown of the social anxiety variety or she is biding her time away from the cameras until she is evicted. Either way, keeping herself away from the other housemates and the drama is probably the best thing for her right now. Whether she’s trying to take care of her frayed mental state or avoid the legal issues she’d encounter if she broke her contract to stay in the house, Audrey probably has good reason to stay in her room and out of the limelight.
I just hope she’s taking care of herself in there. And that she gets out soon so she can receive the care and rest she seems to so desperately need.
To keep track of everything going on in the Big Brother house, check out Bustle’s very own Big Brother podcast, The Diary Room. Listen to the latest episode below, and be sure to check out future episodes on Bustle’s SoundCloud page and iTunes.
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Image: CBS (2)