When the summer began, CBS and everyone at Big Brother made a big hullabaloo over the BB Takeover, the big new twist in which every week had a new twist. The results of BB Takeover on Big Brother 17 have been fun, even if they haven't affected gameplay that much. The first week saw a takeover from Phil Keoghan of The Amazing Race, followed by a takeover from comedienne extraordinaire Kathy Griffin, and Week 3 had a selection of party-themed events brought to the houseguests by Rob Gronkowski.
BB Takeover was a consistent part of BB17 up until Week 4, when it became noticeably absent from the occurrences inside the house. The games and punishments during week four all had a consistent '90s theme (and introduced us to The Wackstreet Boys, which we should all be thankful for), but there was no special guest or game-changing twist. Week 5 is upon us now, and once again there is no sign of a BB Takeover this week. So is the BB Takeover gone for good? What could have made CBS decide that its new, big, shiny twist this season wasn't worth keeping past Week 3? Is this season of Big Brother still interesting without it?
My theory is that BB17 is too interesting, and that's why BB Takeover disappeared.
This season of Big Brother has been rife with betrayal, scandal, and hilarity. The activity on the live feeds has been constant and always entertaining. So much happens between episodes that Big Brother seems to have paused BB Takeover to focus on the happenings inside the house.
Once the activity in the house slows down, it wouldn't be a surprise if BB Takeover were to return to make sure that there was always something interesting happening. For the time being, there is just too much going on in the house with all the drama happening between Austin, Liz and Julia; Vanessa, Clay and Shelli, and the laughs provided by Johnny Mac, Becky, Steve, and Jason. Big Brother doesn't need any more gimmicks this season because it has something better than any gimmick: A great cast.
For more about a great cast — and to keep track of everything going on in the Big Brother house — check out Bustle’s very own Big Brother podcast, The Diary Room. Listen to the latest episode below, and be sure to check out future episodes on Bustle’s SoundCloud page and iTunes.
Images: CBS; Giphy