In case you haven’t already picked up on some brewing misunderstandings and missed connections, I’m here to confirm that it’s officially that time again. And by that I mean that on Aug. 4 P.T. /Aug. 5 E.T., logistics planet Mercury stationed retrograde, kicking off three and a half weeks of its patented slowdowns and mix-ups. From now until Aug. 28, matters of thinking, timing, transportation, and communication may take a hit as Mercury retrograde can cause frustrating snags and brain fog if you’re unwilling to pump the brakes on some of your plans and projects.
When Mercury kicks off its retrograde this time, the fleet-footed planet will be in its home sign of Virgo, where it shifts everyone’s focus onto organization, efficacy, and attention to detail. You may find that scheduling slip-ups or overlooked bits of information run especially rampant throughout these first 10 days of the retrograde, so be extra careful to consider all the little details of things and leave yourself some leeway with social plans or summer vacation itineraries.
On Aug. 14, the retrograde vibes shift, as Mercury will moonwalk back into fiery Leo. Expect the possibilities of roadblocks getting in the way of your passion projects and feeling more challenged to express yourself in a way that translates to others. On the bright side, this can be a good time to revisit creative ideas that didn’t quite align in the past, so take things slow and don’t let your ego get in the way of adjusting your plans. Retrogrades are always a better time to refine, revise, and reimagine how to move forward instead of taking action.
Read on for your Mercury retrograde horoscope so you know the specifics of what your sign is in for over the coming weeks.
Aries (March 21 - April 19)
It may feel like someone has turned your calendar upside down throughout the first half of August, as Mercury retrograde is disrupting your daily routine and shaking up your schedule. Leave yourself wiggle room when making plans, and focus on wrapping up old items on your to-do list instead of piling on new ones. Come Aug. 14, an ex-fling could saunter back into the picture. Consider what bits of your heart you should open up again, and what you should leave in the past.
Taurus (April 20 - May 20)
Old flames could get reignited during the first stretch of this retrograde — and they could be romantic or creative. Passion projects you’d lost steam on, crushes you’d lost touch with, or hobbies that had lost their spark might suddenly grab your interest again. Go with it! The last two weeks of the retrograde hit closer to home, and family disagreements could bring about some stress. Focus on communicating more clearly, and if you need to clear your mind, picking up on some old home improvement project is a good way to do it.
Gemini (May 21 - June 20)
Old family dramas could resurface during the first half of August, and mix-ups regarding responsibilities at home could make it hard to relax. During the latter half of the retrograde communication will take a hit. Be choosy with your words and re-read any written correspondence before hitting send. It’s all too easy to say something you don’t mean or misinterpret what someone’s trying to express. A little patience goes a long way.
Cancer (June 21 - July 22)
Misunderstandings run rampant through the first ten days of the retrograde, so don’t take anything too personally. Foot-in-mouth moments are likely, and words can easily come out wrong, so give yourself (and others) some grace when communicating. From the middle of August onward, keep a closer-than-usual eye on your finances. Avoid making big-ticket purchases if you can, and if you do need to get spendy, save your receipts in case something goes awry.
Leo (July 23 - Aug. 22)
Yes, it’s your birthday season, but beware of overspending or overlooking a faulty charge in your account during the first half of August. With Mercury retrograde in your money sector, you may find that a bill hits unexpectedly or some numbers get mixed up. During the latter half of the month, you’ll have a chance to look at your reflection with fresh eyes. Just be conscious of how your behavior and presentation are coming off to others — as it’s easy to make a first impression that wasn’t your intention during this time.
Virgo (Aug. 23 - Sept. 22)
Mercury is your ruling planet, so you might find that this retrograde hits particularly hard. You’re on a soul-searching journey this month, which might make you feel a bit self-conscious. Do some grounding activities like meditation or nature walks to help you connect with yourself and let go of some of your stresses. Worrying about what other people think isn’t helpful, so excuse the fears as they arrive and remember that you’re always evolving and changing.
Libra (Sept. 23 - Oct. 22)
The retrograde kicks off subtly, but you may still find yourself revisiting some fantasies from the past. Get plenty of rest, especially if you’re feeling the brain fog that often accompanies this transit. Once mid-August rolls around, misunderstandings in your friend group could stir up a little drama. Use your diplomatic social skills to smooth out any mishaps in your group chats and avoid partaking in any gossip. You never know who might overhear you when the communication planet is in reverse!
Scorpio (Oct. 23 - Nov. 21)
This retrograde could cause some mix-ups in your work life, Scorpio, so take extra precautions when corresponding with your colleagues and managing the logistics of your professional projects. The first half of August is a more challenging time for communicating, so group meetings may not run as smoothly as you’d like. But from Aug. 14 onward, the retrograde could pull your attention back to career opportunities you thought had passed you by. Keep an open mind and review your options.
Sagittarius (Nov. 22 - Dec. 21)
Misunderstandings with your boss or missing details on work projects could stir up some retrograde stress in your career through the first half of August, so be especially cautious about your professional correspondences and avoid diving into any major new projects if you can help it. During the second half of the retrograde, travel plans could hit some snags, so double-check any vacation itineraries and leave extra time in your schedule for the possibility that transportation will be late.
Capricorn (Dec. 22 - Jan. 19)
This retrograde is philosophical for you, as you’re conducting a deep dive into your worldview, taking the bits that still resonate with your beliefs, and leaving the rest behind. It’s OK to let go of outdated ideas and accept that you’ve changed your mind! If any unkept promises or unpaid debts are weighing on your spirit, the latter two weeks of the retrograde could bring you a chance to find a resolution and even out the scales. Don’t run from the skeletons in your closet.
Aquarius (Jan. 20 - Feb. 18)
This retrograde is asking you to take an inventory of your relationships, and up through the middle of the month, you may want to spend some time reviewing your boundaries. Where are your vulnerable spots? What do you need to speak up on more in your intimate bonds? Now’s a time to make adjustments as needed. From mid-August onward, it’s time to reevaluate what you’re looking for in love and partnership, so face whatever old wounds need healing and revisit past dynamics that may be showing up as a pattern.
Pisces (Feb. 19 - March 20)
If there’s unresolved drama tucked away in a current partnership, you may find that this retrograde catalyzes some new conversations about old problems. From mid-August onward, your daily routine is under review — instead of trying to take on new responsibilities at work or pile on additional social plans, use this backward-focused energy to look over your existing to-do list and take care of tasks that have been lingering. You might find that looking at things with fresh eyes helps you reprioritize things more effectively.