
September 2022 Full Moon Do's & Don’ts

It’s time to dream big.

WEST ORANGE, NJ - SEPTEMBER 19: A 98.8 percent Harvest Moon rises behind midtown Manhattan, One Vand...
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If you have your head in the clouds, then the September 2022 full Harvest Moon, which crests the sky on Sept. 10 in visionary Pisces — will prompt you to let go of your inhibitions and dream big. Ready to bring your wildest manifestations to life? Follow these do’s and don'ts.

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DO: Be Transparent About Your Emotions

La Luna reflects our emotions — and since it's stationed in the sensitive sign of Pisces, hidden feelings may arise. The moon also forms a sextile to private Pluto, the planet of secrets, so don't hold back — be honest with how you feel.

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DON’T: Make Assumptions

The full moon is bringing our hidden fears and insecurities to light. With Mercury retrograde in Libra in full swing, you may find yourself jumping to conclusions when it comes to your relationship. Instead, be open with your concerns and ask for clarity.

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DO: Inner Work

Mercury retrograde, responsible for rifts in our plans and communication, is coming for your relationships and daily routine. Think before you speak, check your email recipients, and proofread your tweets — slip-ups are bound to happen.

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DON’T: Ruminate On Your Feelings

Sensitive Pisces is pushing you to recognize and confront your emotions. While it's important to listen to your heart right now, avoid obsessing and let them be. Journaling them, then burning or ripping them up is a great way to let go.

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DO: Connect To Your Spirituality

Pisces rules the subconscious, and the moon is spotlighting all the thoughts, emotions, and secrets that may be lurking in the shadows. Focus on your private world. In addition to journaling, therapy and meditation are productive ways to bring attention to your spiritual health.

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DON’T: Lose Touch With Reality

Pisces may be the starlet of this lunation, but la Luna is making a conjunction with dreamy Neptune. This transit will have your head in the clouds. It's a powerful moment for spirituality, but ground yourself to avoid straying too far.

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DO: Take Action On Your Goals

Pisces is the dreamer of the zodiac, a reminder that you have the power to manifest your goals. Virgo season is in full effect, and the earth sign is providing an extra dose of go-getter energy so you can actualize your dreamy goals.

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