British Snacks From The '00s You'd Never Eat Today
Well, never say never...

Gen Z, look away now. Who remembers when Freddos were only 10p? Or, better yet, when they were 5p (yes, I’m old enough to remember that)? What about when you'd make a trip to the corner shop with just £1 in your back pocket and come out with bags of goodies? When trendy sweets came and went as fast as you could say “Toxic Waste”? Honestly, when you start to think about it, there are a whole host of snacks and sweets you won’t believe you used to eat in the '90s.
With a punishing news cycle and lockdown 3.0 keeping us all locked indoors once again, it's nice to head down memory lane for a little light relief. From the unusual trends British kids will remember from the '90s to the throw-back shows taking over streaming sites, we can’t get enough of nostalgia right now – and I'm here for it. Experts have even found that nostalgia can even be good for you, with psychologist Dr. Sanam Hafeez telling Bustle that "the rewards released by nostalgia in the brain can calm a person down, reduce anxiety, and affect your outlook." So let's journey back to a time before Jamie Oliver got his hands on school dinners and Woolworth's pick'n'mix aisle was still a thing and reminisce about all the weird and wonderful sweets and snacks that kept us fed throughout our childhood.
1Dip Dabs
The ultimate "cool kid" sweet. (No? Just me?) I can still remember the kids dipping the flat lolly into the sherbert packets at the back of science class.
2Panda Pops
This vibrant sugar-filled drink was a corner shop staple. Packed full of E-numbers and available in some utterly bizarre flavours (strawberry jelly and ice cream, anyone?), Panda pops were as sweet as they were sticky, but we loved them all the same.
4Toxic Waste
Even the thought of these sour tubs makes my face contort, tbh. One of the biggest “trend” sweets (at my school, anyway), Toxic Waste was the ultimate test on your tastebuds and was probably just as bad for us as the name suggests.
Now these plastic sweet dispensers admittedly go back further than the 90s, but they were a staple during our heyday nonetheless. I’m not even sure that the Pez sweets were that nice tbh, but being able to slip one out at a moment's notice was worth it. Cartoons, movies, TV shows, you name it; there was a head for everyone.
7Rainbow Drops
Essentially tasting like the back of a cupboard, I never understood why these were so popular tbh, but they were a party bag staple nonetheless.
One '00s sweet that has stood the test of time. You'll be pleased/horrified (delete as appropriate) to know that Millions are very much still around and, as well as the original flavours, new banana and Cola options have recently been added...
10Cadbury's Miniature Dairy Milk Dispenser
I feel like there was one Christmas when everyone got one of these?
12Candy Sticks
Remember when pretending to smoke with a stick of white candy was "cool"? Yep. Let's file this one under "things we'll never speak of again."
13Kwenchy Cup
A staple of any summer camp lunch. Stick in a straw in the top of one of these and you were good to go.
Bubblegum with a super soft centre, you could get handfulls of these for pennies back in the day.
15Space Raiders
When having bad breath from the super strong pickled onion flavour was worth it for the 30p price tag.
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