Well, everyone, we've made yet another trip around the sun, and Donald Trump has been president for all of it. Although it may seem like just yesterday hundreds of thousands of women took the the streets for the first Women's March, we're standing at the edge of the second annual one, set to take place on Saturday, January 20. If you're still in need for a good quote for your protest sign, than look no further than these funny quotes for women's march signs.
If we've learned anything from a year of protesting, calling our reps, and fighting against an administration that all too often ignores the needs of women, people of color, and marginalized populations, it's that we need to keep on pushing. While every protester has their own ~style~, everyone at protests gets a kick out of the creative, funny signs that add some levity to the proceedings. The issues are serious and the stakes are high, but as many people have noted in the last year, this is a marathon, not a sprint. Every now and then you have to let yourself get cheeky and add your own personal flair to keep yourself sane on the protest circuit.
Some of these quotes are straight up ridiculous, and some are funny in that they are clever and thoughtful; but all of them help to shed some light on the very real issues that women have been dealing with since — well, forever. So if you're looking for inspiration, you have plenty of people to turn to — from historical figures to modern comedians to fictional characters. Here are a few ideas to get the ball rolling.
1. “Know what? Bitches get stuff done.” — Tina Fey
2. “I’m a feminist. I’ve been a female for a long time now. It’d be stupid not to be on my own side.” — Maya Angelou
3. "I myself have never been able to find out precisely what feminism is: I only know that people call me a feminist whenever I express sentiments that differentiate me from a doormat.” — Rebecca West
4. "I hope you like feminist rants, ‘cuz that’s kind of my thing." — Jess, New Girl
5. “A woman without a man is like a fish without a bicycle.” ― Irina Dunn
6. "Feminism is my second favorite 'F' Word." — Unknown
7. "'Why the fuck not me?' should be your motto." — Mindy Kaling
8. "Why have gender roles when we can have pizza rolls?" — Unknown
9. "Of course women don’t work as hard as men. We get it right the first time!" — Miss Piggy
10. "Fuck the CIS-tem." — Unknown
11. "Nolite te bastardes carborundorum." ("Don't let the bastards get you down.") — Margaret Atwood, The Handmaid's Tale
12. “When a man gives his opinion, he's a man. When a woman gives her opinion, she's a bitch.” — Bette Davis
13. “I’m a damsel. I’m in distress. I can handle this. Have a nice day.” — Meg, Hercules
And, perhaps the most iconic thing a person can put on a sign in the midst of what is bound to be covered on television, online media, print journalism, and every other form of media in between ...
14. "I hope no one minds if I live tweet this bitch." — Donna Meagle, Parks and Recreation
Of course, these are just the tip of the iceberg on your options for quotes; if you're looking for further inspiration, you can try book quotes for your sign, unique quotes for your sign, or even opt for the pre-made, printable signs you can make on your way out the door. Heck, you don't even need a sign — it's being there and using your voice that matters most. Bundle up, everyone! See you all out there on Saturday for round two.