"Don Jr. Children's Books" Tweets Put A New Spin On The Russia Emails

The Internet was aflutter Tuesday when Donald Trump's eldest son tweeted out an email exchange between him and a Russian music executive who offered him intel on his father's political opponent Hillary Clinton. Gleeful at the potential smoking gun provided by the emails (and The New York Times report that followed), the good people of Twitter came up with some hilarious alternative children's book titles for Don Trump Jr. It's all the fun of the Trump Twitter book reports — just, uh, fun sized.
The titles are all thanks to the efforts of HuffPost Comedy, who tweeted out an open call to flood the hashtag #DonJrChildrensBooks — and that open call wouldn't have been complete, of course, unless the HuffPost offered its own take on a classic: Donald Jr. and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day. It wasn't long before other parodies involving Trump Jr. began to flood in.
Drawing inspiration from The Chronicles of Narnia, tons of Dr. Seuss, and even the seminal, bowel movement-normalizing classic Everybody Poops, the news-cycle-ravaged-masses of the Internet were quick to tackle the various cultural highs and lows surrounding this latest email-related news.
Here are just a few highlights to build your own political scandal summer reading list:
Everybody Makes Mistakes, Everybody Has Those Days?
Okay, maybe not on the international scandal level, though.
Some Low-Key Suggestions For Jr. To Try & Save Himself
Just in case it comes down to Trump v. Trump.
Pointing Out Some Resemblances
A cross-over between Dr. Seuss' cold war epic and the Trump son's MTV dopplegangers.
They Came For The Putin Connection
What better way to explore a very important life lesson?
They Got Creative
It still feels a little unfair to bring Judy Blume into this, though.
When You Drink The Koolaid Or The Water...
I call this one "Reddit meets 8th grade english."
You're A Mean One...
I don't suppose any hearts grew three sizes over that meeting.
Probably Should've Turned This One Down
This little gem is the Miss Congeniality of Microsoft Paint photo manips.
No One Shied Away From The T-Word
With questions of minor treason all over the Internet, it's only natural that people pulled no punches.
If It Ain't Broke...
Sometimes the OG title works just fine.
As investigators continue to seek answers to the countless questions raised by Trump Jr.'s email reveal — and public interest shows no sign of waning — it's unclear whether the ending will be all that happy for the oldest Trump son.