19 Funny People's Climate March Sign Ideas
If you didn’t have a chance to make it to the March for Science last weekend, the you have another opportunity to show off your funny protest signs about climate change and march in the name of Mother Earth in just a few days. The People’s Climate March is taking place this Saturday, April 29. Whether you’ll be at the primary march in Washington, D.C. or one of the sister marches across the country, you can show up and say that climate change isn’t just about protecting our future; it’s about protecting the planet now.
Why April 29? Because it marks the 100th day of the Trump administration. As per the official march website, the mission of the march is “to show the world and our leaders that we will resist attacks on our people, our communities and our planet.” If you’re looking for a way to stand in solidarity with science, you can find a People’s Climate March near you.
This isn’t the first People’s Climate March (that was in 2014), but the threat of global warming is as present now as ever. When we talk about climate change, the future of our planet is very much at stake. However, talking in future tense lessens the immediacy of the problem. Climate change is affecting us right now. The People’s Climate March works to be another reminder that delaying action is both leaving the planet worse for future generations and making it worse for everyone here right now.
I think that making people laugh is one way to make them listen. Here are 19 sign ideas for the People’s Climate March if you’re looking to keep it light but also science-literate.
1“Asking ‘Is Climate Change Real?’ is like saying ‘Do Owls Exists?’”
If you haven't already, watch John Oliver's full piece on climate change on Last Week Tonight for some more protest sign inspiration and just good information on global warming.
2All Rejoice Hallelujah, World Hunger is Solved
Friendly reminder: there is a difference between climate and weather.
3It’s Funny Because It’s True
Just in case you wanted an excuse to quote Neil deGrasse Tyson.
6Tell ‘Em What The People Want
Here is your chance to repurpose the above sign from the Women's March. Because conversations on climate change are as good a time as any to tout peer-reviewed, evidenced-base science.
9“Fact: You don’t need people’s opinions on a fact.”
If you didn't watch it between #1 and #8, you should probably watch John Oliver's full piece on climate change on Last Week Tonight now.
10For All The Mini Marchers
Science is for babies! And grown-ups! And everyone!
12We Will Not Be $ilenced
Go OFF, science.
14*Brief Paws*
If for nothing else, do it for the polar bears. (Paws? Pause? Get it?)
17“Ice Has No Agenda. It Just Melts.”
Ice is non-partisan like that.
18We Are Living Out A Horror Movie
That moment when life imitates art.
19~* Where Words Fail, Middle Fingers Speak *~
If nothing else, perhaps a choice gesture will do.