The new moon is always a powerful time to initiate projects, begin relationships, and lay the groundwork for the future. And because the July 2, 2019 new moon is accompanied by the Great South American Total Solar Eclipse, it will be even more powerful than usual. "A solar eclipse occurs on July 2, 2019, at 10 degrees and 38 minutes of Cancer, affecting people born with personal planets and points at approximately 6-to-16 degrees of the cardinal signs (Aries, Cancer, Libra, and Capricorn) most significantly," Cafe Astrology revealed. What's more, these four zodiac signs the July 2019 new moon will affect the most — Aries, Cancer, Libra, and Capricorn — will have a unique opportunity to reinvent their personal lives.
"It means all possibilities are on the table and you can rightly put yourself at the forefront of new plans for the future. It is time to question your old habits and behaviors as you search for new and inventive ways to make progress," Astrologer Jamie Partridge said on Astrology King. "This is the ideal time to make a fresh start, so write your new goals on paper."
In early 2019, a series of eclipses in Capricorn built a foundation for your path forward, even if you weren't aware of it at the time. This will become apparent during the July 2019 new moon. "Capricorn builds the structures, Cancer fills them with the waters of creation," Astrologer Chani Nicholas said on their website. For Aries, Cancer, Libra, and Capricorn, the July 2019 new moon and total solar eclipse offer an opportunity to see through the proverbial fog and make solid decisions about love and friendship.
During the July 2019 new moon and total solar eclipse, taking risks and summoning your courage can return big rewards. "To create, and to create yourself, takes courage; nothing else gets the job done. Courage is an old French word that means coming from the heart," Astrologer Eric Francis noted on their website Planet Waves. "This is what it takes to be yourself in the current environment, where there are so many influences that say all you need is a little gloss and a little grease and you can fool the whole world. You want to fool nobody." Be bold and honest Aries. The time to hesitate is through.
For Cancers who crave love, security, and emotional stability, the July 2019 new moon in Cancer is going to deliver. "With this total solar eclipse and new moon in the emotionally charged water sign of Cancer, we are called inward to cultivate a deeper understanding of our emotional intelligence, needs, and nourishment requirements. With the north node also in Cancer, our appetites increase," Nicholas noted. "Cancer feeds the children, rules the stomach, and is ever voracious for emotional intimacy."
Libras need to live purpose-driven lives to thrive. The July 2019 new moon is going to help illuminate a path toward purpose when it comes to your personal life. "You are, at this time, being called into deeper relationship experiences, which are about going in, rather than up or over," Francis said. "When you are with someone you care about, turn your awareness inward. Feel, listen, share. Keep going."
The July 2019 new moon marks the first eclipse of the year that hasn't taken place in Capricorn, Nicholas noted. With this shift, Capricorn-born people will suddenly be forced to make some tough, but necessary decisions when it comes to love. "Every successful romance involves compromise, and putting the other person first, some of the time. But if you’re finding that they always seem to come first, and you never do, then it’s high time to put your foot down on [July 1]. Either you come first, or you’re making some big life changes, that they might not like all that much because they might no longer include them," Astrology Club said on its website.
Overall, the July 2019 new moon is a powerful time for everyone. If you're inspired to create and get out of your comfort zone, do it. You never know where it will lead.