
6 Weird Reasons You Have To Pee All The Time

by Isadora Baum, CHC
Originally Published: 

If you're always rushing to the bathroom, it could be because you're downing coffee like you'll never get another sip again, or it could signify a greater problem outside your caffeine intake. Let's assume it's the latter. There could be a variety of reasons you're peeing so much, which may be caused by underlying health issues. If so, it's best to get checked with a doctor or urologist, as well, in order to clear or mitigate symptoms. While some conditions might be chronic and permanent, they can help with tips for maintenance, long-term.

"There are a variety of reasons why [people] might develop urinary frequency," Dr. Robert M. Mordkin, M.D., FACS Urologist, and chief medical officer for LetsGetChecked, tells Bustle. "Perhaps the most common is a urinary tract infection. ... Other reasons for urinary frequency could be an underlying neurological disease such as multiple sclerosis or high blood sugar levels from diabetes. Interestingly, some people will develop urinary frequency without a definable cause. This is called 'overactive bladder' and there are a variety of prescription medications available today to try to treat this condition."

As a certified health coach, I work with clients on feeling comfortable in their bodies and having great digestive comfort and urinary tract health. If you find yourself peeing all the time, it can be really disruptive to your well-being and productivity (those office bathroom runs can really add up in minutes). What's more, sometimes it can be painful if you're constantly feeling the urgency to make that dash to the restroom, with little actual relief. Of course, this pattern can be challenging to deal with, and it can make a simple bathroom trip feel like a chore. Here are seven reasons you might be peeing so much and what to do about it, according to experts.


You Have Sleep Apnea

When you have sleep apnea you might be waking up off and on in the middle of the night, and when you do, you could also be rushing to the bathroom. Peeing in excess can be a symptom of sleep apnea, and it can take you away from precious time getting those Zzzs.

"There is a correlation between having to urinate more frequently at night and sleep apnea," Mordkin says. "Why these two are connected, however, is not yet understood."

Although we may not understand why, research suggests that treating sleep apnea can actually help with frequent urination at night. Meeting with your primary care physician or a sleep specialist can be a good place to start if this is a problem for you.


You Have Diabetes

"Urinary frequency, urgency, and waking up from sleep to urinate (called nocturia) are signs of diabetes," Dr. Fara Bellows, an urologist with the Ohio State University Wexner, tells Bustle.

Partha Nandi, M.D., physician and author of Ask Dr. Nandi, tells Bustle that having diabetes causes an overactive bladder because when your blood sugar levels are too high, it can interfere with the kidneys from filtering and functioning as they should. As a result, excess sugar that your body can't process is excreted as urine, and this can cause you to keep needing to go.


You're Dehydrated

Believe it or not, if you are dehydrated, you might feel the urge to pee more. Dehydration can be linked to diabetes as a common side-effect, but also when you're losing fluids in the body, it can put pressure on the kidneys to increase that urge to go. Plus, when you do start drinking more out of dehydration, you'll obviously need to go, as well. By drinking more, especially coffee, which is a diuretic, you'll need to go to the bathroom more urgently, Nandi says.


You Have A UTI

Nandi says that urinary tract infection can lead to frequent urination. This ultimately happens when irritants affect the bladder, causing you to have to pee more often (and usually with more pain and perhaps a fever). As a UTI is temporary, these are short-term symptoms that can be cleared with antibiotics. Talk with your doctor about getting a urine culture to see if a UTI is to blame, especially if your frequent need to be pee is a pretty recent issue.


You Have Interstitial Cystitis

Ashley Batz/Bustle

Nandi says that interstitial cystitis (otherwise known as painful bladder syndrome) can be accompanied by the need to pee, with urgency and pain, so it's pretty tough to deal with. And, unfortunately, there's no real way to cure it, as it's a chronic condition that requires maintenance. A few tips? Avoid drinking too close to bedtime, as you'll make fewer pee breaks.


You're Anxious

Believe it or not, but sometimes anxiety alone can make you have to pee more.

"The mechanism as to how anxiety leads to urinary frequency is not known, but it is very common to see a patient with urinary frequency who finds that the more anxious they are, the more often they have to visit the bathroom," Mordkin says. "If a patient has significant difficulty with anxiety and urinary frequency, often a medication targeted to control their anxiety will provide an added benefit of reducing their need to pee as often."

It could also be beneficial to speak with a mental health care professional, to see if they can help you find coping tools to manage your anxiety better.

If you have these medical and mental health conditions, it could explain why you're going to the bathroom so often. Your best bet? See a doctor for help in figuring out a solution for any possible health issue you may be facing.

This post was originally published on Dec. 4, 2017. It was updated on June 3, 2019. Additional reporting by Kristin Magaldi.

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