9 Fabulously Fluffy Faux Fur Scarves For A Cheap & Cheerful Winter Wardrobe Update

As the great tundra snow cloud that is winter approaches, I'll bet you are dusting off all your old jackets and getting ready to wrap up. Well darling, I don't mean to be rude but your jacket is boring, let's give it a little spruce. What you need is a stylish colourful faux fur scarf to make your coat pop.
Not only is adding a little pop of colour always a good idea for every occasion, but this is a really easy and inexpensive way to improve upon your wardrobe without being wasteful. I don't know about y'all, but as an obsessive charity shop shopper, I have developed an intense illness known as "jacket-itis." Yes, I am self diagnosing again. Anyhow, the symptoms are as follows
- Buying too many jackets/coats
- Refusing to let go of any jackets/coats
- Secretly praying for cold weather to engage these jackets/coats
- Suddenly having more coats than you know what to do with
Faux fur scarves are a perfect way to trick yourself into believing you have more coats than you actually do. And as they are removable, inter changeable, and cheap as chips, and stand out accessories. Get it girl.
This A/W, scarf love is fur-real.