
Don't Read Too Far Into Beyoncé's Instagram Emoji

by Alexis Rhiannon
Kevork Djansezian/Getty Images Entertainment/Getty Images

It seems like we've all been making some assumptions around here to the contrary, but is there a chance that Beyoncé's twins are both boys? The superstar posted the first photo of Sir and Rumi Carter, and she added two of the same male-looking baby emoji at the bottom, which has fans wondering.

The rumors were that the 35-year-old gave birth to one baby of each gender, but when has Queen Bey ever gone along with the rumors? She drops secret albums, she blindsides us with pregnancy announcements, and she's managed to keep her marriage seemingly rock solid through years when nobody thought she and JAY-Z could possibly pull through. She's above our speculation, so switching the game up and revealing she'd had two boys instead of a boy and a girl like everyone had assumed would have been right up her alley.

But as it turns out — this time, at least — the rumors were accurate. After Beyoncé posted her initial photo of her one-month olds, the singer's mother, Tina Lawson, reposted the image with a clarifying caption stating:

"So Happy my baby shared a photo of her babies with the world ❤️❤️❤️proud grandma hello Sir Carter and Rumi Carter❤️🙏🏾❤️ Boy and girl what a blessing ❤️"

It's almost like she saw everyone freaking out and knew she had to say something to help calm fans down. Especially because the confusion wasn't going to be relieved by the baby's names themselves. "Sir" has a decidedly male ring to it, because we use it only to refer to men. And while "Rumi" is a little more ambiguous, the most notable Rumi from history was a male poet.

In hindsight, it looks like Beyoncé used two baby boy emoji because she didn't have a baby girl emoji at her disposal. There's just the one baby emoji, which actually makes sense, because before a certain age, all kids look pretty much the same. (Case in point: Beyoncé's photo.) There's an explanation for everything, but in that moment before we had all the info, it set off a perfect storm of speculation.

And while it may have been accidental, what better way to introduce Sir and Rumi Carter to the whirlwind that will be their childhood? It's part of living that Knowles-Carter life, and it won't be letting up anytime soon.