
Lauren & Trump's Friendship Isn't Confirmed

by Amy Sciarretto
Chip Somodevilla/Getty Images News/Getty Images

Famous women often love their glam squads like family. Jennifer Aniston's hairdresser Chris McMillan is her bestie. Marc Jacobs routinely names handbags after his squad. According to Women's Wear Daily, incoming First Lady Melania Trump is wearing a Ralph Lauren dress for Inauguration Weekend. So, does the concept of designers being friends with those they dress and style apply here?

It's a valid question, since many designers have said they have no interest in dressing Mrs. Trump, including one time Project Runway winner Christian Siriano, as well as Tom Ford and Marc Jacobs. Other designers, such as Tommy Hilfiger and Carolina Herrera, have offered to dress the Melania Trump if asked. If Ralph Lauren chose to dress Trump for this huge occasion (it's possible, of course, that she already had this Jackie O-inspired getup in her closet) one can't help but wonder if the designer and the First Lady-elect are friends.

Choosing to dress the new First Lady is not always an indicator of a close, personal friendship. WWD noted that the designer does not overtly endorse candidates and has dressed Democratic candidate and former First Lady Hillary Clinton many times. A number of Clinton's signature pantsuits along the campaign trail were said to be designed by Lauren. (UPDATE: According to Harper's Bazaar, Clinton also reportedly wore the designer to the 2017 Inauguration) Also, The Huffington Post reports that Trump wore Lauren during her husband's road to the White House, such as the white silk ensemble worn below.

Chip Somodevilla/Getty Images News/Getty Images

Since Lauren has dressed a wide variety of First Ladies, from Michelle Obama, to Betty Ford, he appears to take the job of dressing the FLOTUS seriously.


A spokesperson for Trump told WWD that the future FLOTUS would indeed be wearing Lauren, "With the historic swearing-in of her husband, Donald J. Trump, as the 45th President of the United States, the First Lady-elect will become America’s new First Lady wearing an American designer who transformed American fashion, Ralph Lauren." However, it's not immediately clear how involved Lauren was with the decision.

Trump was photographed this morning, Jan. 20, in this powder blue, Jackie O-invoking ensemble that is said to be by Lauren. Bustle has reached out to the designer for further comment.

But I can find no evidence that he has an extended relationship with Mrs. Trump beyond the professional one.