Luke Pell Responds To Being Called A Player

Where are The Bachelor cameras when you need ‘em? In the wake of lifestyle blogger Airelle Snyder and Bachelor contestant Lauren Hussey’s searing (searing, I say!) YouTube video, Bachelorette alum Luke Pell has some things to say about “The Almost Bachelor.” On Thursday, Us Weekly shared Pell’s response to Snyder and Hussey's cheating and ghosting accusations. Now, if you haven’t been keeping tabs on the Pell gossip, fear not: Bachelor Jedi Reality Steve put together an incredibly extensive breakdown of the drama that’ll bring you up to speed.
I hope you have your goggles on, because we’re about to dive in. So, who are the two individuals in "The Almost Bachelor" video? Hussey, as Bachelor fans may recall, was eliminated on the first night of Nick Viall's season. Last October, she reached out to Pell, and not before long, they were in a relationship. After their romance seemed to blossom into something serious, Hussey moved to Nashville. And that’s apparently when Hussey started to see Pell in a less-than-favorable light. In the YouTube video, Hussey said she "found proof [she] wasn't the only person, and he admitted to it.” They broke up earlier this year.
Here is what Pell told Us Weekly:
“We kept our relationship quiet and got to know each other. We didn’t know how to handle it, if we wanted to go public or stay private. I was trying to take it slow. There’s so much pressure and attention on social media. I didn’t want to make this harder than it had to be.”
Snyder’s link to Pell began when he was still in the running toward becoming America’s next top Bachelor last summer. Back in March, Snyder shared her side of the story in another YouTube video. According to Snyder, a certain someone reached out to her via social media, encouraged her to audition for The Bachelor, and led her to believe she’d win. However, when the show ultimately went to Viall, Pell allegedly ghosted on Snyder. The Bachelor talk starts around the 10 minute mark:
Plot not thick enough for you yet? Well, according to Reality Steve, Pell allegedly tried to recruit Bach alum Jubilee Sharpe for his season, too. And when he wasn't picked for The Bachelor, Pell allegedly cut off communication with her, too. Oh, and he also might've done the same to a Bach hopeful named Holly Allen, maybe? The whole thing is a doozy and I can barely keep up.
So, what does Pell have to say about Snyder’s claims? Here is his response:
“[Snyder] was possibly going to be on [The Bachelor] and I thought we would get to know each other better there. We talked back and forth maybe three times at the most.”
He continued,
“I was over all dating conversations at that point and I wanted to move on. She was someone I talked to a few times, so this wasn’t a big deal. I just stopped talking to her. On that video, she made it seem liked I dated her, but there is no way I ever dated her! There was never a relationship to break up from. It was never at that level. It seems like she wants the social media attention of saying that she dated me, which has more weight than saying she talked to me a few times. Nobody cares about that. If it looks like I did her wrong and did her an injustice then she gets more attention.”
I’m exhausted.
But before I go, here’s one more thing from Pell via Us Weekly:
“They want to slash my character. I’m respectful. If they want to take it in another direction, that’s their prerogative. I don’t approve of it, but that’s their choice.”
And finally, here's what Snyder told Us Weekly:
"The video was meant to help women look for signs in their relationships to save them from heartbreak. Lauren's story, which was shared on my YouTube channel, is meant to not only help women but to save these poor girls who may believe his story. What he is doing to women is unacceptable. No one should stand for such behavior. When he started name calling and attacking my current relationship it clearly made him look guilty. I truly hope he finds a way to make this right and publicly apologize for treating women so poorly."
Again, it truly is a shame The Bachelor cameras aren't catching all of this.