
Busy Phillips Sets An Example For Her Daughters

by Mallory Carra
Nicholas Hunt/Getty Images Entertainment/Getty Images

In cities around the world, many women (and men) are heading to their local Women's March in pink hats, carrying handmade signs, and readying themselves to stand up for their rights against new President Donald Trump. Busy Phillips made Women's March signs with her young daughters the night before they head to the march in Los Angeles, according to posts the actor made on Instagram account. She is setting an amazing and empowering example for her daughters Birdie and Cricket — and Phillips wrote on IG that they are the reason she's marching, "so that they know that we believe women's rights are human rights."

The Vice Principles actor continued her reasoning in the Instagram caption, which accompanies a photo of her daughters. Phillips refers to several of Trump's beliefs that she's against, but she did not mention the just-inaugurated commander-in-chief by name in the text. "...We will not tolerate misogynistic behavior and language anywhere, but especially not in the highest office in our great country," Phillips wrote. "I want my daughters to grow up in a country where they are valued and they know that anything is possible for them. One where they don't live in fear." To further instill these values to her daughters, the actor posted another Instagram post, in which she displays the Women's March signs she made with Birdie and Cricket.

The photo shows that her signs have awesome slogans like, "This is What a Feminist Looks Like," "Girls Just Wanna Have Fundamental Rights," and "A Woman's Place Is In The Revolution." In the post's caption, Phillips made reference to perhaps feeling under-the-weather, but wanting to march regardless, which is such a example of resilient spirit for her daughters to see.

"I spent the day in bed but I'm not missing the march here in LA tomorrow!" she wrote in the text. Phillips continues and jokingly describes the presence of her cat in the photo by making reference to Trump's lewd Access Hollywood comments in the caption. "And in solidarity, our own real live p*ssy showed up and dared me to grab her! I would never."

And this isn't the first time Phillips has relayed her empowering message to her daughters. After the election in November, the actor wrote in Lenny Letter that she told her daughter Birdie that they now need to work to make change.

"...We will fight for what's right and for people who can't fight. We will keep volunteering and raising money for things like public libraries and moms and dads who need help and the ACLU and Planned Parenthood. We will speak up for those who cannot. And this will be OK. I promise you."

The Women's March in Los Angeles hasn't even started yet at the time of publishing, and Phillips is already delivering the best possible message to her children.