In spite of being the era of Reagan/Thatcher, "Just Say No" conservatism, the 1980s were a wonderful time of sex, drugs, and excess. Now that former editor-in-chief Tina Brown is writing a Vanity Fair tell-all, fans of the legendary mag can live the London-in-the-Eighties life vicariously through Brown, in all her power-suit glory.
The Vanity Fair Diaries is exactly what it sounds like: a book pulled "from the British editor’s daily diaries that she kept during her eight years at the magazine[, which] will cover the inner workings of Vanity Fair and Condé Nast in the ’80s." Diary tell-alls are de rigueur these days. Tina Brown's Vanity Fair tell-all follows on the heels of the late Carrie Fisher's successful Star Wars memoir, The Princess Diarist.
Brown sat down to write a book about the 1980s, only to discover that she already had:
I picked up the diaries for the first time in ages because I was thinking of writing a book about the era ... To my astonishment, I found I’d already written one. I rediscovered how madcap those days were — how chancy, how new, how supercharged.
Henry Holt and Company will publish Tina Brown's Vanity Fair tell-all later this year. Look for The Vanity Fair Diaries at your favorite bookstore this November.