Fans Think There's A MAJOR Kylie Pregnancy Clue In The Kardashian-Jenners' Calvin Klein Ad

Nearly five months after the first rumors about Kylie Jenner's pregnancy emerged, fans are still waiting for official confirmation that the lip kit maven is actually expecting her first child. But now, there's another clue to add to the list. Fans are freaking out over Jenner's Calvin Klein ad, which just so happens to show her covering her belly with a quilt while her sister's stomachs — including Khloé Kardashian's, who recently confirmed she is pregnant — are all exposed to show off their Calvin Klein undies.
The ad went live on Monday morning, and immediately, it was impossible not to notice the difference between Jenner and her sisters. Being that this is an underwear ad, showing off the underwear they're wearing is important — that is the point of advertising, right? But all you can see of Jenner's is part of her bra, and the fact that she's the only one under a blanket definitely draws your attention to her.
It's a gorgeous photo, but since Jenner's pregnancy has been such a huge topic of discussion lately, it's hard not to think that she's covered up to hide a baby bump before she's ready to reveal it herself — and that's exactly what fans are saying after seeing the ad.
These days, it's hard for Jenner to blink without someone trying to prove that it's a clue that she is or isn't pregnant, and this ad is no different. The response on Twitter so far has been huge (and kind of hilarious).
There are those who think this photo is 100 percent confirmation that Jenner is pregnant:
Um, second sexiest sister? Most fans would probably agree that Jenner and all her sisters are beautiful, so ranking them is just a waste of time. Even so, her being covered up is definitely a red flag.
Some people are just in disbelief over the fact that this ad is something that exists... because let's face it, between Jenner hiding her pregnancy and now physically hiding under a blanket, it's just too good.
This fan took it as a sign that Jenner might announce her pregnancy in a Calvin Klein ad soon... which may actually not be that far fetched of an idea, because Khloé was wearing her Calvins when she announced her pregnancy on Instagram.
And this one pointed out something very important about Jenner's positioning in the ad:
This is such a valid point. Jenner is holding Khloe's hand... her sister, who also happens to be pregnant. That in itself might be a clue, especially since while we're all waiting for her big announcement, everything is.
This tweet effectively sums up the kind of analysis that is happening with this ad, as well as any other photo of Jenner that has surfaced over the last several months.
And this one mocks how very, very obvious it is that Jenner is hiding something under that blanket. Seriously? They couldn't have come up with anything more clever?
It's anything but subtle that Jenner's holding that blanket in front of her belly in every shot from this ad campaign — and that's just in the photos we've seen of it so far.
And this fan, like so many of us, is just done with this entire debate:
It's hard to say whether Jenner is definitively pregnant or not, even though photos like this ad make it hard to believe she's not currently with child. If she wanted to keep everyone talking, though, that mission has been accomplished. It's been a long, hard wait for the pregnancy announcement that Jenner will hopefully make in the future, but maybe one day, this ad will make a lot more sense.