
JPJ Had A Very Good Reason For Not Hanging With Tayshia On 'BiP' (It Involves Tacos)

by Kayla Blanton

From Shakespearean sonnets to 12 tacos and a nap, John Paul Jones and Tayshia on Bachelor in Paradise are quickly developing the most relatable and adorable love story of the season. In his confessionals, JPJ does nothing but dote over Tayshia's beauty, calling her "the most beautiful woman alive." He even said he would love for her to be his wife, and fans can't get enough of them. But mostly they can't get enough of John Paul Jones' dorky, yet relatable, moves.

"I'm sorry I wanted to hang out with you in the pool but I ate a lot of tacos and I needed to nap," he said as he snuggled up to Tayshia on a daybed. If you're thinking, wait, have I heard this story before? You haven't, but something similar happened during Week 1 of Paradise. JPJ went on a date with Jane and it was also ruined by tacos — very spicy ones that caused him to gag and persistently throw up on the beach. Needless to say, things didn't end well between them.

Thankfully, Tayshia didn't seem to mind that tacos got in the way of their quality time, and she was happy to postpone it to what became their adorable snuggle-screams of endearment session. They argued like little kids over not being mad at one another and JPJ eventually went in for the kiss.

Come to find out, his bashful reciting of a classic piece of literature and theatre shouldn't surprise anyone. He used to be a theatre kid, which could explain his quirks and easy embarrassment.

Not to mention, his drama background makes his confession of feelings for Tayshia even more adorable than it already was.

Bachelor Nation was initially surprised to see them together, but when it finally happened, they couldn't look away — it was an unexpected perfect match. And in the midst of all the Blake-Dylan-Hannah and Jordan-Christian-Nicole drama, it was a welcomed one.

Their spontaneous spark is a testament to being yourself and letting the rest fall into place. JPJ recited the poem to Tayshia, and even though it may've been corny, it was genuine. When she gave him her rose during the ceremony, her comment was a beautiful poem on its own.

"John Paul Jones, not only do you have amazing hair and look hot in a Speedo, but I love your intelligence," she said. "And tonight, you did something really special for me and I appreciate all the thoughtfulness and effort into it." She went on to call him Romeo before extending her rose.

Lauren Zia compared their rose ceremony exchange to wedding vows.

Their story seems to belong in a Disney film now, but promos hint to the possibility that it won't stay that way. JPJ may end up entangled with another girl (or more specifically, massaging sand into her buns) before Paradise is over. It's unclear how he gets there, but it serves as a reminder that in Paradise, anything can happen, and not even Shakespeare can prevent hearts from being broken.