
Jess Fans Will Love This Milo Ventimiglia Movie

by Olivia Truffaut-Wong

It's been 10 years since Gilmore Girls ended, but thankfully, Rory's bad boy boyfriend Jess Mariano, played by heartthrob Milo Ventimiglia, is still gracing our television screens. Last year, Jess reappeared thanks to Netflix's Gilmore Girls: A Year in the Life revival, but I think that all Team Jess fans will agree that the revival failed to give us something we've been waiting over a decade to see: Rory and Jess together (and/or getting it on). If you're one of those fans, or you just love Jess more than life itself, you can turn to movies to get some of your Ventimiglia fix. And, though the actor is definitely more known for his work on television, Kiss of the Damned is the one Milo Ventimiglia movie Jess fans need to see.

In Kiss of the Damned, Ventimiglia plays Paolo, a mere mortal (with very, very attractive scruff) who falls in love with a mysterious vampire, Djuna. So, it's basically as far away from Stars Hollow as one can yet. And yet, Paolo is actually a lot like Jess. He's a writer, a screenwriter to be more specific, and a risk taker. (I mean, he gets in bed with a literal vampire. What bigger risk is there?) All qualities that Jess shares. He also looks really good in a leather jacket and has a lovely head of hair.

Ventimiglia is the male lead of Kiss of the Damned, and, for the most part, one of the only men on screen. The story focuses on his love story with Djuna, and the chaos her vampire sister Mimi brings with her when she breezes into town. In short, Kiss of the Damned is a moody vampire thriller that, frankly, is more about beautiful frames of beautiful people than actual plot. But, let's be honest, Jess fans, you didn't come here looking to see a great movie, you came here to see a movie with great amounts of Ventimiglia. In the immortal words of Rihanna, this is what you came for.

Magnolia Pictures

Have you ever wondered what Jess would look like in bed? Well, wonder no more.

Magnolia Pictures

What about what would happen to Jess after he's bitten by a vampire, and is examining said bite shirtless?

Magnolia Pictures

Or how Jess would look wearing a fluffy, white bathrobe post-vampire sex (of which there is a lot of in the movie, fyi)?

Magnolia Pictures

And, finally, how Jess would look with blood on his face?

Magnolia Pictures

Ok, maybe that last one is a bit of a stretch. But, hey, actors are chameleons, and Paolo is not Jess, no matter how much one might wish it. Jess fans should watch Kiss of the Damned because they want to see Ventimiglia try something new. (But, also because Paolo is kind of like a darker, more mature, vampire Jess.)