So by now, we're up to our eyeballs in Beauty and the Beast teasers and fairly certain that this stunning remake is going to be magnifique. But hey, getting another sneak peak isn't going to hinder anyone's excitement. And you're in luck, Disney released new Beauty and the Beast motion posters to get you better acquainted with the new faces behind many of your old-time favorite characters. That's right — motion posters — and they are magical.
Or maybe it feels that way because it's reminiscent of Emma Watson's Harry Potter days and all those moving portraits. In reality, these are just GIFs that advertise the film, are they not? Regardless, you get a real sense of what the actors are bringing to the characters with the little additions of movement, and that's pretty special. And if nothing else, you get to look at some really pretty costumes with really extravagant hair-dos.
The movie doesn't hit theaters until March 17, which honestly still feels like forever away, no matter how many promotional material we're getting to tide us over. However, perhaps these lovely Beauty and the Beast images will tide you over for now. Be our guest, and scroll down to see all the posters in action.
Watson's Belle is all elegant in repose, and yet still has that defiant look to her when she turns around. Perfection.
The Beast
Proud, but there's a softness in his eyes. He certainly doesn't look ferocious, but how can you with such a ruffled shirt?
From that smug grin to the double eyebrow raise, Luke Evans has pretty much nailed Gaston.
What exactly is Maurice staring at here? The absent-minded inventor seems deep in thought, and all of us are so very rude for interrupting.
Oh my god. LeFou 110 percent looks like the kind of guy who would hit on you at an Applebee's.
Mrs. Potts
There's something in Emma Thompson's expression that makes Mrs. Potts seem a bit more worried than the OG cartoon teapot Angela Lansbury version. Which is fine, she's the maternal figure in the team of inanimate objects, so she wears worry well.
Oh, Lumière, the brightest light in this whole damn castle. You can tell Ewan McGregor is going to bring a special flourish to his interpretation.
Ok, and just how cute is Ian McKellen's take on Cogsworth here? It's like he's shaken off all the character's agitation and is instead absolutely jovial.
So Cadenza is a new character who is set to embody the grand piano, and while I'm skeptical about anyone that would tamper with the 1991's film's legacy, I'm always about Stanley Tucci in rouge.
Garderobe is, you guessed it, the cheerful larger-than-life wardrobe, and doesn't she look like a delight?
Also known as "Fifi" for you purists, the flirtatious feather duster is looking lovelier than ever.