This 10-Foot Tall Frosty The Snowman Inflatable Plays Clips From The Actual Movie

How much Christmas is too much Christmas? I'm glad you asked — because as far as holiday intensity goes, this is walking a very dangerous line. The gods of holiday decorations have decided that you can get a 10-foot inflatable Frosty The Snowman that plays movies right on its belly. That's right, you can watch Frosty The Snowman on Frosty The Snowman — like Frosty The Snowman ate himself? Or something? I mean... that's what it is, in all of its terror or glory, depending on where you stand.
"Available only from Hammacher Schlemmer, this is the 10' inflatable Frosty The Snowman that entertains passersby with a projector that plays clips from the classic 1969 cartoon on his belly," the description explains. "The beloved character’s bulbous torso functions as a screen as the included projector plays scenes from the movie and alternating messages on his candy cane sign from an included SD card."
Nothing says holiday magic like "bulbous torso" — but, seriously, it is something to behold. This self-inflating snowman comes with eight stakes and four tethers to keep it in place and the description promises it can "snow, wind, and sun", because it's made out of heavy-duty polyester.
Of course, it doesn't come cheap. This giant among snowmen retails from Hammacher Schlemmer for an eye-watering $349.95. Granted, it is ten feet tall and ten feet wide — plus it's basically a movie theater — so if you work it out on a square foot basis, maybe it actually makes sense. But still, only the most diehard of holiday fans are going to want to splash out over 300 bucks for a holiday direction.
As far as holiday icons go, Frosty The Snowman is pretty high up there — and that classic film is definitely the first thing that comes to my mind when I think of the friendly snowman. If you want Frosty to have some friends, then you can pair him up with a 6-foot inflatable Buddy The Elf who is bursting with holiday cheer. Or, if you want to mix and match your holidays a bit, there's a 10-foot inflatable Sandworm from Beetlejuice that would be perfect for Halloween and could stick around until December, if you so choose. Would it be jarring, maybe even upsetting to the eye? Maybe. But it's your lawn and you can do what you want with it.
Some people like to be subtle with their holiday decorations, with just a hint of sophistication — others want their holiday joy to hit you with a god damn mack truck and never look back. If you fall into the latter category — or if you just really, really want to make your neighbors angry — then a 10-foot inflatable Frosty The Snowman that plays its own movie is about as over the top as you can get. With his corncob pipe and his button nose and his terrifying height from which you can never, ever hide. Happy holidays!
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