
This Is Your Next Step, Women's Marchers

by Hillary E. Crawford
Emma McIntyre/Getty Images Entertainment/Getty Images

Saturday, Jan. 21, 2017 might be long gone at this point, but the activist spirit in the millions of marchers isn't going anywhere. At least that's what the Women's March's 10 Actions for the First 100 Days campaign is trying to ensure. By outlining a subsequent path of action, the campaign hopes that Women's March supporters will remain engaged in advocating for women's rights, unity, and equality for Americans of all backgrounds and identities.

On Jan. 22, the campaign's homepage warmly congratulated marchers, but also reminded them that the fight is nowhere near over. Let's face it. Trump hasn't been president for more than just a few days. The campaign's message reminds its readers to keep the momentum up, suggesting they keep their eyes fixed forward — 100 days forward from Trump's first day as president, to be exact.

We did it! On January 21, over 5 Million of us worldwide and over 1 Million in D.C., came to march, speak and make our voices heard. But it doesn’t end here — now is not the time to hang up our marching shoes — it’s time to get our friends, family and community together and make history. That’s why we’re launching a new campaign: 10 Actions for the first 100 Days. Every 10 days we will take action on an issue we all care about, starting today.

So, if you're wondering what to do next now that the march is over, this campaign has your back. And with its detailed explanation of what Step One should be, following through with your activism couldn't be any easier.

During the first 10 days of Trump's presidency, the campaign asks that you pen a letter to your senator and detail the causes that are particularly important to you. If you post it to social media afterward, don't forget to include #WhyIMarch.

To make matters simpler, the campaign's webpage includes a tool that helps you find your senators. All you have to do is enter your zip code in the blank box and press enter. Your senators' names along with their addresses will conveniently pop up.

The model the Women's March uses to maintain that excitement you felt while marching on Saturday is pretty clever. By splitting up the 100-day-long campaign into just 10 increments, the campaign is making its goals more accessible while keeping marchers engaged on a weekly basis. With a new political activism suggestion coming to your inbox every 10 days, letting the Women's March slip silently into the past just doesn't seem like an option.