From the very beginning of The Bachelor, incredibly beautiful, frequently funny, seemingly normal people with lots going for them have signed up to date a stranger on television. Among them there are always a cabal of models, pageant queens, and fitness instructors who certainly don't mind that a chance at true love usually comes with the opportunity to hawk hair gummies on Instagram if and when they go home single. They're lured by the rose, but they'll settle for a FabFitFun 10% off promo code with their name in it. But then there are also people who appear to be on a different life journey, like Kelley Flanagan — or as she’s known to Bachelor Nation, "Kelley, 27, Attorney."
On top of being beautiful, funny, and seemingly normal, Kelley is a lawyer and member of the Illinois bar. After graduating from the University of Alabama, she attended Chicago-Kent College of Law at the Illinois Institute of Technology, a top-100 ranking U.S. law school that also happens to be the alma mater of her father, Thomas Flanagan. Before heading to the Bachelor mansion, Kelley joined at least six other Flanagans at the family property tax firm Flanagan & Bilton, founded by Thomas 50 years ago.
While her profession doesn't seem to be a liability in the mansion, Kelley — who met Peter in a hotel lobby once before the season began — has expressed some concern that what happens on the show may ultimately hurt her in the courtroom. Before a challenge that featured some deeply weird pillow fighting, Kelley told the cameras, "I'm a little nervous. I mean, who wants to see their attorney dressed in lingerie on a TV show?" Then she got pillow-slapped by a real estate agent.
Kelley isn't the first attorney to vie for the final rose. Season 13 Bachelorette Rachel Lindsay left her law firm in 2018 to pursue a career in sports entertainment, while Season 10's Andi Dorfman was an assistant district attorney in Georgia before she headed to the mansion — right around the same time "influencer" was emerging as a bona fide career path. Since Andi's Bachelorette days, she's written two New York Times best-selling memoirs, Single State of Mind and It's Not Okay. Her Smile Direct Club promo code, good for $100 off teeth aligners, is ANDISMILES.