
Go Ahead, Take A "Bed Rot" Day

It’s time to marinate.

by Carolyn Steber
Originally Published: 
TikTok's bed rot trend is all about being lazy as a form of self-care.
Alex Potemkin/E+/Getty Images

Since nobody wants to admit when they spend an entire day in bed, it’s common to assume you’re the only one who does it. Then you end up on TikTok — where the concept has been cheekily dubbed “bed rotting” — and you instantly realize everyone spends a lot of time under the covers.

With nearly 294 million views on the platform, bed rotting has become the go-to way to relax for a lot of people, so if you find yourself rolled up in blankets at 3 p.m. on a Saturday, don’t feel bad about it. A true bed rot day isn’t about lying down for a quick nap, but about becoming one with your pillows, and it honestly feels so right.

Once you’re situated, you can scroll on your phone, snack, marathon a show — or just get some much-needed rest. If you have various beverages and a dog nearby, even better. The goal is to lie in bed for as long as you like and fully give in to any mental or physical fatigue you might be experiencing. Think of it as the perfect (and very chill) way to recover from a busy work week or one-too-many nights out.

While anyone can enjoy a bed rot day, it feels especially nice if you’re an introvert. It’s the perfect way to refill your social battery, especially after a get-together or party. It also does wonders for Sunday scaries; if you’re stressed because the start of your work week is mere hours away, an afternoon spent listlessly staring at the ceiling may be just what you need.

If the call of your bed is strong, folks online recommend giving into the rot for an hour, a day, or the entire weekend, depending on what you need. It’s a clear sign that you’re burnt out, rundown, or that you need some time alone. If you need an extra excuse, consider it a filler episode day. And remember — you’re not alone.

TikToker @g0bra77y posted about rotting and all the comments on her video indicated that others were into the vibe, as well. One person joked, “I wish it was acceptable to tell people this is my hobby” while another said, “It’s just comforting to me.” A few others shouted out Tauruses, aka the coziest members of the zodiac, while someone else said, “I found my people.”

Even if you aren’t particularly tired, spending a day marinating in your sweatpants is a good way to treat yourself and practice slowing down. It flies in the face of the constant call to do something fun, exciting, or shareable on social media.

Instead of going out or feeling the pressure to have fun, it’s all about doing the exact opposite by embracing the peaceful, relaxing, and sometimes slightly boring vibes of a day spent blissfully doing nothing. In other words: leaning into JOMO.

That said, even if you push past the guilt, there might be a twinge or shame that sets in after you get up. When creator @rosiejjjones posted about bed rotting, one commenter said, “I love it but it’s that guilt that comes after.” If that rings true for you, it might help to label it as a recharge or reset day, instead of a rot. That way you aren’t deteriorating in bed, but reviving yourself.

It might also help you enjoy the day if you design a fancy bed rot day where you rot on purpose — almost to the point where it becomes an aesthetic. To rot exquisitely like creator @k14nn4, change your sheets, slip into your silkiest PJs, pour yourself a cup of tea, and spritz some perfume. Now you aren’t just rotting in dirty pajamas — you’re thriving. Once you decide to emerge, you’ll definitely be ready to take on the day.

This article was originally published on