
What Is Hiddleston's 'Kong: Skull Island' Role?

by Sabienna Bowman

For a movie coming out in 2017, Kong: Skull Island is keeping all of its details under wraps. While there has been quite a bit of cast upheaval, one cast member is staying put: Tom Hiddleston. Hiddleston has been attached to the project since 2014, ostensibly as the movie's lead (as much as any human can be the lead of a movie featuring Kong or any of his relatives). But who is Tom Hiddleston playing in Kong: Skull Island ? That's where things start to get murky. Not only are plot details being highly guarded, character details are as well — so as the rest of the cast is being filled out, it's hard to tell who anyone, even Hiddleston, is playing.

But while the definitive answer is still just out of reach, I did a little digging to find out as much about Hiddleston's role as possible. It's my duty as a journalist, after all. The most important thing to know is Hiddleston is psyched for this movie. In a February video interview with Red Carpet News, Hiddleston said, "Jordan Vogt-Roberts had such an extraordinary vision. His story, which I know he hasn't revealed to anyone yet, is a King Kong movie you've never seen before, and it's very ambitious and epic and fresh and new in its vision and design, and the characters are amazing." Hiddleston goes on to say that signing onto the movie was a "very easy yes" for him.

While Hiddleston is right about director Vogt-Roberts keeping the movie's details closely guarded, there are a few things that are known for sure. First of all, this is not a rehash of the beauty kills the beast story that Hollywood has produced every few years since 1933. Cinema Blend notes that Kong: Skull Island is set 25 years after Kong's death in New York City and will follow Carl Denham's son leading an expedition to the island to uncover its secrets. In the 2005 King Kong remake, Denham was a movie director played by Jack Black who wanted to use the island for a shoot. With this in mind, it seems likely that Hiddleston will be playing Denham's son who leads a new group of people to the island that is practically prehistoric in nature.

In other words: Brace yourselves, Hiddleston fans — because if that's true, then Hiddleston is basically playing Indiana Jones. OK, so not literally, but he will be a '70s-era explorer who could possibly wear a hat, and there is no universe where that isn't amazing. As an added bonus, Kong: Skull Island will still have a Kong style character for Hiddleston to encounter. The official summary from Legendary Pictures reveals the movie "presents a bold new take on the mythos of another iconic beast." Excited yet? I know I am.

Interestingly, some outlets are still insisting Kong: Skull Island is a King Kong prequel, but since Screenrant reported the '70s setting has been confirmed by J.K. Simmons (who recently departed the project), it is looking more and more likely that that news may have been a red herring. While the rest of the cast is still being rounded out, it is good to know Hiddleston is excited to lead this potentially awesome project. While there's no 100 percent guarantee that he is Denham's son just yet, he would be amazing in the role and the idea fits with the classic movie's timeline.

No matter who he plays, Hiddleston will obviously have everyone in the audience entranced. In fact, he might be the one actor on the planet who could upstage King Kong.

Images: Giphy (2)