Anyone else feel like Thursday night's Big Brother 17 double eviction was an absolute disaster? As with any double eviction, houseguests have to play fast and make major decisions all within the matter of less than an hour, which has to be overwhelming. Steve proved just that, because he played it all wrong. Yep, Steve nominated Jackie and Meg, and I'm still reeling from that huge mistake. Why did he send Jackie (who handled her eviction with absolute grace) out the door? It makes no sense, especially after Steve's been gunning for Becky. So, why didn't Steve nominate Becky? Well, it appears there was a "miscommunication."
As Jackie explained to Julie Chen after leaving the house, it seems her nomination stemmed from a "miscommunication." Apparently, Steve heard from someone that when Jackie was HoH she planned to backdoor him, but the truth is Jackie planned to backdoor Austin. *facepalm* I need to know who put those thoughts in Steve's head!
Anyways, according to Big Brother Network, after the double eviction Steve chatted with Meg about why he sent Jackie home. In addition to never connecting with Jackie, he heard through the grapevine that Jackie was going to send him packing. Meg disputed that and even Becky told Steve that whoever fed him that load of crap was clearly using him for a hidden agenda. So... which houseguest whispered in Steve's ear? He won't name names, but told Becky she could guess. Hmm... it seems Becky and Meg are pinning it all on Vanessa.
Uh oh. Is this another reason for Vanessa to still have a target on her back? I guess Jackie was right in being suspicious of Vanessa this whole time.
Things change so quickly in the Big Brother house, it can be hard to keep up. To keep track of everything going on in the Big Brother house, check out Bustle’s very own Big Brother podcast, The Diary Room. Listen to the latest episode below, and be sure to check out future episodes on Bustle’s SoundCloud page and iTunes.
Images: Sonja Flemming/CBS