Ranking The Most Notorious 'BB17' Rivalries
With so much bad blood flying around, it’s hard to keep track of just who hates whom in the Big Brother house. In an attempt to help out viewers everywhere — and to make sense of all of this in my own head — I’ve decided to compile a list of the Big Brother 17 rivalries, in order of hatred. That’s right: by who hates whom the most. The tricky part in this project is of course the fact that loyalties — and, therefore, enemies — change in the Big Brother house on the regular, so what's written in stone today may very well be erased by tomorrow.
This is why a list like this is so necessary: The whole back and forth gets pretty confusing for even the most diligent of Big Brother fans. So, I recommend using this list loosely, to guide your viewing experience. Just be aware that by next Sunday’s episode, so many of these rivalries may have shifted. (Except for Steve and Becky. Something tells me the two of them will never bury their issues with each other.)
So here it goes: My best attempt at ranking of all of the bad blood in the Big Brother house this season. Not many would be brave enough to tackle this task, but, as a lover of all things Big Brother and drama, I think I may be just the girl for the job.
9. John And Vanessa
No so much a rivalry as it is some serious suspicion about the other person, John has been convinced for a while now that Vanessa is a big threat, and he’s not making it up out of thin air. Ever since Vanessa found out via Clay that John thinks she should be the next to go, the two have been avoiding each other like the plague.
8. Jason And Clay/Shelli
That sour face said everything. When Jason was nominated — consequently evicted — in the surprise upset of the season, he blamed Shelli and Clay, and for good reason: The two were totally behind his eviction.
7. Audrey And Clay
These two duked it out right before Audrey was evicted. It didn’t last long, but it left Audrey in tears.
6. James And Shelli
James swore during the HoH competition that he wouldn’t put up Shelli or Clay for eviction, and then he did — both of them. It was the biggest gamechanger of the season, and, of course, Shelli had to call him out in front of the whole house about it. It didn’t effect James’ game too much, though: Everyone knew it was Clelli’s time to go.
5. Vanessa And Becky
They claim to not understand each other’s game, but the real reason behind their rivalry is the fact that they are on opposite teams entirely. Time to face it ladies: you’re fighting two totally opposite battles this summer.
4. Jeff And Austin
This bad blood was personal when Austin caught Jeff in bed with Liz, trying to talk strategy. You don’t mess with another man’s girl, Jeff. Especially not a wrestler’s.
3. Julia And Austin
When it looked like Austin was trying to sell Julia down the river to ensure Liz won the game, Julia was not happy about it. I hope these two can put the past behind them, though — especially if Liz and Austin have a chance of making it as a couple outside of the Big Brother house.
2. Becky And Steve
This rivalry might seem sort of random, but apparently it’s based on a very definite timeline.
1. Da’Vonne And Clay
One of the most uncomfortable scenes of the season, Clay tried to apologize to Da’Vonne, but she was not having it.
I'm sure I'll have enough information for a revised list next week when the entire house shifts alliances — you know it’s only a matter of time before these players make up and a whole new set breaks up.
Things change so quickly in the Big Brother house, it can be hard to keep up. To keep track of everything going on in the Big Brother house, check out Bustle’s very own Big Brother podcast, The Diary Room. Listen to the latest episode below, and be sure to check out future episodes on Bustle’s SoundCloud page and iTunes.
Image: CBS (10)