It's a tough feeling to swallow when you stand in front of your closet and decide disappointedly that you have nothing to wear. But instead of running to the shops and spending your nest egg, why don't you try finding clever ways to repurpose the clothes you're bored of[.]? It's easy to go to the mall and buy more things to add into the rotation, but that just means you have more stuff to deal with. It can begin to feel a little overwhelming when you open your closet doors and the contents inside threaten to avalanche you — not to mention, that nagging feeling of "I own nothing that I actually like" doesn't necessarily go away.
The nifty thing about repurposing your clothes rather than buying new ones is that there was a reason you bought that item in the first place. Either the color caught your eye, you connected with the fun print, or a detail struck you as something worthy enough to join your style. Maybe it was the sheer sleeves, the playful pleats, or the sweet collar — whatever the reason, it was enough to make you bring out your wallet. Which means that item still has good qualities, you're just a little bored of it in its current state. So get creative and change its purpose. Here are five tips on how to repurpose your clothes with both sew and no-sew options.
1. Turn Too Short Dresses Into Tops
We've all been victim to a time or two where better judgement lapsed and we bought a dress we weren't 100 percent comfortable with. Maybe we thought that the snugness would grow on us, or we convinced ourselves that the short hem didn't bother us all that much. Or maybe your dress situation tailspun in a different direction and the frock just isn't quite your style, no matter how much you've tried to work it. For moments like those, instead of folding it away for the donation bin, try cropping it into a top instead.
If the length of the dress was the issue, it's now a blouse, so the butt-grazing hem won't bother you anymore. If the style of the dress was the culprit, it might fit your aesthetic better as a crop top or blouse.
For example, in this particular look I had a dress that was a stunner, but would sneak its way past my butt every time I tried to sit down. It was too sad to give it away, and so I made it into a fancy top I can easily pair with wide leg trousers. Pro tip: If you're not the best at sewing, you can always do a slightly hack job and just tuck it into your skirt or pants. No one will ever have to know.
2. Make It Sleeveless
Sometimes all you have to do to make an item interesting again is to just tweak its silhouette a little. For once-favorite dresses that you just can't find the inspiration to zip up again, try cutting off the sleeves. It'll instantly feel a little more airy and light, and with the lack of sleeves you now have more layering potential. I personally like trying to pop a long sleeve shirt underneath for a splash of print or a chambray shirt for some color, or you just layer a blouse with a strong collar underneath to give the neckline a new feel.
3. Turn Jumpsuits Into Pants
Whether you're bored of the same old pattern or it's getting too chilly to sport them without goosebumps, you can easily keep your jumpsuits in your closet rotation by turning them into pants. Pop a cozy knit sweater on top, layer a crop top over it, or put on a button-up shirt and tie the hem at the waist. Whichever direction you go, you'll notice that your jumpsuit has a whole new mood to it as pants.
4. Turn Dresses Into Skirts
Your closet will all but explode with options once you realize dresses can easily be turned into skirts. All you have to do is just pop a blouse on it and your job is done. But take it a step further and don't just layer sweaters or tops over your usual day dresses. Tight going out dresses can be made casual when layered underneath roomy sweaters, floor-length evening gowns can be made Wednesday-appropriate when paired with a chambray shirt, and sequined numbers turn everyday with a T-shirt or tailored sweatshirt.
5. Make It Into A Crop Top
If you have a dress that feels a bit dated, but you love the pattern or color of it, take scissors to it and turn it into a crop top. The fresh and youthful cut will combat against the previously dated feel, and depending what type of dress you had, you'll get different variations of crops. For example, if it was a loose and baggy tent dress, you'll get a wide and bohemian-like top. If it was structured with rigid material like rayon, you'll get a chic, shell-top like crop.
In this look I had a black, stretchy maxi dress which has been gathering dust in the back of my closet, so I took a quick needle and thread to it and turned it into a really on-trend minimalist crop top. It's been getting worn almost every week since. You can also experiment with lengths: Feel free to make it go up high on your ribs or take a more subtle approach and let it crop just below the belly button. Either way, you'll feel newly inspired with its new shape and potential.
No matter how you decide to change up your clothes, the options are only as endless as your creativity. No sewing ability required. Take the extra effort to stretch your wardrobe and you may be surprised at the results.