Henry's Found His First Crush On 'OUAT'

If it feels like we've been watching Henry Mills (/Swan) grown up, it's because we have. When we first tuned into Once Upon A Time five seasons ago, he was a ten year old kid and really into storybooks. Five years later, he's still really into storybooks. But grown and matured A LOT, and now, we've finally got a love interest for Henry's in the mix. Who is she, and what does she mean for our Author?
Introduced in Sunday's OUAT episode, "The Price," Henry spies a pretty girl across the court at Camelot. Getting dating advice from David — aka, "Gramps" — Henry takes his suggestion and walks across the floor to talk to her. Remember the first time you had a crush on someone and went to go talk to them at a middle school dance? That's basically what's happening here, and don't worry, the show perfectly captures just how awkward that whole experience is.
Henry, always savvy, breaks the ice by pulling out his iPod, because OF COURSE his iPod traveled with him to Camelot, and he shows it off to this new girl as a "gift from the savior." Smooth, Henry, smooth.
The girl eventually introduces herself as Violet. Don't bother looking through Disney stories trying to find her counterpart, and she's not someone from the legend of Camelot either. According to showrunner Edward Kitsis, Violet is, "a creation within [the] show and it's really less about who she is and really more about her and Henry together," he explained to Entertainment Tonight . "The two of them together are pretty awesome. Henry is going to go after his first crush."
Awwww. And it's about time. Back before Season 4, Lily was teased as a love interest for Henry, but then she turned out to be Emma's long-lost best friend, as we are well aware. So a little love interest for Henry is most certainly welcomed, even if it is just a super-cute tween romance. Needless to say, expect Violet to stick around for a while, at least while she's stuck in present-day Storybrooke learning about iPads and jukeboxes.
Oh, and if you're just dying to figure out Henry and Lily's new song, it's Alison Moyet "Only You." Now you know!
Image: ABC