What Sex Is Like With Someone Who's Well-Endowed

Disclaimer: This post pertains mainly to cisgender, heterosexual pairs.
If movies and TV shows and popular knowledge were to be believed, a big penis is always better than a small penis and having a big dick somehow makes men more “manly” than those who are packing a smaller package and that, my friends, is all nonsense. The size of a someone's penis does not determine whether or not they're a good lover — all it does is determine what size condom they should pick up at the pharmacy. However, some people do have penis size preferences, with plenty of people preferring larger penises and others who really only want to get down with someone who has a smaller penis.
And here’s a fun fact you might not know! Vaginas, just like penises, are different sizes. So a person might have a particularly short vagina, in which case having sex with someone who has a really big penis is going to be a major no. On the other hand, some people have really long vaginas or wider openings to their vaginas, which means that they’re going to prefer big penises. There’s so much more that goes into penis size preferences than “big is better than small!”
Regardless, it’s not like penis size is something you know before everyone gets naked, anyway. (Sorry folks — that middle school thing about shoe size is a total myth.) So if you find yourself with a partner who’s bigger than average or even just bigger than you’ve experienced before, here are eight things to keep in mind when having sex.
1. Foreplay Is A MUST
But for real though. If you have a vagina, you need to make sure that you’re thoroughly wet and thoroughly aroused before any penetration happens. That’s because…
2. You Might Hurt Him
If you’re not sufficiently turned on, your vagina might be too tight for him to fit. That means he’s going to walk away with, basically, a bruised penis. If you want to have sex more than once a week, make sure you’ve been making out and doing other stuff for at least 15 minutes before his penis goes in.
3. He Might Hurt You
And the flip side is, if you’re not turned on enough, you might get hurt during intercourse too. Either by tearing your vaginal opening or…
4. He Might Hit Your Cervix!
The worst sex injury ever! Because vaginas get longer when you’re more aroused, if you’re not turned on enough, a big penis might bump right up against your cervix. Trust me: a bruised cervix is not a pain you want to ever experience.
5. All Sex Positions Were Not Created Equal
Those deep penetration positions that he loves may not be a great idea, as the harder and further he pushes, the more likely he is to cause some damage. So if you really love doing it from behind, for example, he may have to hold back and not go all the way in. On the other hand, girl on top is a great position because you can control the amount of penetration more easily that way.
6. Tracking Your Cycle Helps
Just like your cervix moves based on how aroused you are, it also changes at different points of your cycle. (But not if you’re on the Pill, because then you don’t ovulate.) When you’re ovulating, your cervix is as high up as it will go and also has a kind of mushy consistency. That’s the best time for deep penetration.
7. Guys With Bigger Penises May Have Difficulty Maintaining An Erection
If your big-bonered partner has trouble keeping it up, it’s not because he doesn’t think you’re sexy. Big penises need to fill with more blood than smaller penises, which means that guys who are exceptionally long may have a hard time keeping their hard-ons as rock hard as guys with smaller penises.
8. It Can Be Really Fun
And if you take all of the proper precautions? Having sex with someone with a big penis can be really fun.
Want more of Bustle's Sex and Relationships coverage? Check out our video on sex positions to help him last longer:
Images: Andrew Zaeh/Bustle; Giphy (8)