14 Books All Ravenclaws Will Love

Intelligence. Creativity. Individuality. Wit. Staying up waaaay too late reading books. Do these sound like traits you have? Then you are probably a Ravenclaw.
One of the best things about Ravenclaws is that they’re all very different — for example, offbeat Luna Lovegood and popular Quidditch player Cho Chang are in the same house — but they can come together because of their love of learning. As Rowena Ravenclaw says, “wit beyond measure is man’s greatest treasure.”
Ravenclaws are basically born readers, because they treasure intelligence and learning. Where do you find these things? Duh: books. If you’re a Ravenclaw, you probably grew up with a bookshelf full of everything from encyclopedias to DIY manuals to fantasy books, because you could never stop reading. After all, knowledge is power, and books are a great source of knowledge. In fact, you’re probably the person that your friends come to when they need a great book recommendation, because you’re always up to date on the latest great novels. and you’ve read enough classics to know exactly which ones they’d like.
Naturally, since you never stop reading, you enjoy book suggestions yourself — after all, you’ve got to fill your (already full) bookshelves! So wrap yourself in your blue-and-bronze house blanket, and pick up one of the following for a very ~Ravenclaw~ read.
1. Rebecca by Daphne Du Maurier
If you read a lot, you probably predict the endings of books. It's natural. But you won't predict this one. This modern gothic about a young, newly-married woman and the secrets her husband's ex-wife left behind will keep you guessing. I finished it in an afternoon by the pool and startled several people by gasping out loud, so if you're a Ravenclaw sick of predictable endings, give this one a try.
2. Poison Study by Maria V. Snyder
Yelena gets pardoned from a death sentence, but in exchange for her pardon, she has to become the Commander's food taster. What ensues is a discussion of poison, which Yelena — you guessed it — studies. Academic Ravenclaws interested in learning will enjoy this YA twist on the "magical school" plot.
3. Red Queen by Victoria Aveyard
Another great YA read, this story is about Mare Barrow, a commoner with red blood trying to get by in a silver-blood-elite world. She blends in — until it's discovered that she has special powers on par with the silver bloods. This story is exciting, but also details Mare's training as she tries to blend in, so if you love learning and intrigue, it's a great pick.
4. The Rosie Project by Graeme Simsion
Don Tillman is a genetics professor who is really book-smart, but not as socially intelligent. He wants to find a wife, and thinks the best way to go about this is to devise a test. Like, fill-in-the-bubble type exam. Naturally, this doesn't work out the way he expected. Wit ensues.
5. The Shadow Of The Wind by Carlos Ruiz Zafon
In this story-within-a-story, protagonist Daniel becomes interested in a book called The Shadow of the Wind — and its mysterious and evasive author, Julián Carax. Anyone who's wanted a story to come to life will enjoy Daniel's journey as he sets out to learn everything he can about Carax, while also encountering obstacles in his own life.
6. Career Of Evil by Robert Galbraith
J.K. Rowling's newest installment in her mystery series featuring Cormoran Strike does not disappoint. When someone mails a woman's severed leg to detective Strike's secretary, Robin, the partners race to track down the culprit. For brainy Ravenclaws who enjoy whodunits, this is a great mystery that will keep you on edge and guessing.
7. Atonement by Ian McEwan
Briony Tallis misinterprets an interaction between her older sister Cecilia and Robbie Turner. What she does next will forever change all three of their lives. Precocious young girl? Check. Love of literature and writing? Check. Ravenclaws will definitely relate to Briony's cleverness and talent in this heartwrenching novel.
8. The Sweetness At The Bottom Of The Pie by Alan Bradley
Another mystery with a precocious young protagonist, this book follows aspiring chemist Flavia de Luce as she solves a crime in the summer of 1950. Yay for smart young women!
9. You're Never Weird On The Internet (Almost): A Memoir By Felicia Day
Felicia Day, creator of web series The Guild and recurring cast member on Supernatural, definitely didn't have a normal upbringing. But it sparked creative interests, which have gotten her where she is today. This autobiography is equal parts funny, empowering, and just plain interesting, and intellectuals will certainly relate to Day's journey.
10. Emma by Jane Austen
Emma Woodhouse is clever, beautiful, and rich, and Ravenclaws will certainly relate to her propensity for trying to make things happen exactly as she sees fit. After all, you know best, right? And let's be real: No one is the queen of wit like Jane Austen.
11. Millicent Min, Girl Genius by Lisa Yee
This book was one of my favorites as a kid: 11-year-old Millicent Min doesn't quite fit in (she's skipped a LOT of grades): even though she's academically precocious, she doesn't have any friends. Until she meets Emily Ebers. This story is cute and fun and celebrates intelligence in a way that will appeal to Ravenclaws everywhere.
12. The Curious Incident Of The Dog In The Night-Time by Mark Haddon
Christopher John Francis Boone investigates the death of a neighbor's dog in this funny, poignant, and cleverly crafted novel. Ravenclaws who value individuality and intelligence will be swept away by Christopher's voice and journey.
13. The Innovators by Walter Isaacson
For Ravenclaws fascinated by intelligent people creating amazing things (and sparking the digital revolution), this is the nonfiction book for you. Isaacson compiles the stories of the "geeks" who invented and refined technology as we know it today, from Ada Lovelace to Steve Jobs, and if you're a fellow intellectual, their stories will both fascinate and inspire you.
14. Matilda by Roald Dahl
What Ravenclaw hasn't tried to move things by just using your brain? Yeah. That's what I thought. Roald Dahl's classic children's book Matilda is the perfect pick for Ravenclaws who know just how powerful knowledge can be.
If you're a Gryffindor or Hufflepuff, check out your own must-read books.
Image: Warner Bros