On Tuesday night, Kylie Jenner took to her social media to announce her newest addition to the Kylie Cosmetics family. It wasn't a new product, but a new black metallic shade called Majesty. Jenner has now released two of the three new shades she has told us she's releasing, so will Kylie Cosmetics' next product be a gloss? Signs seem to be point toward yes.
Last week, Jenner released her latest Lip Kit, Exposed. The gorgeous brown matte liquid lipstick sold out insanely fast when it launched on the Kylie Cosmetics website last week, and there's little doubt that the new metal matte Majesty is going to do the same. It's the pattern of the two, though, that has me thinking that Jenner may have a new gloss up her sleeve. If her first two new shades were a classic Lip Kit and metal matte, it makes total sense that her third would be a gloss.
Plus, this is not the first time that Jenner has followed a pattern. Her Kylie Cosmetics restocks have started to follow a schedule. The restocks are happening weekly, and while the times and days are somewhat variable, you can practically bet that you'll get a Kylie Cosmetics restock at least one day out of every week.
So if Jenner is truly sticking with her even-tempered approach to shades, a new Kylie Cosmetics lip gloss is coming, but what shade will it be? I've got some ideas.
1. Sheer
Bite Beauty Opal Lip Gloss, $22, Sephora
A sheer gloss to lay over the top of a Lip Kit or matte metal would make total sense.
2. Cool Pink
Buxon Full-on Lip Polish in April, $20, Sephora
All of Jenner's glosses tend toward the warm neutral side, and a cool pink would be a definite departure.
3. Berry
Anastasia Beverly Hills Lip Gloss in Punchy Red, $16, Sephora
A berry shade would be a fantastic addition to Jenner's glosses, and their high pigmentation means that it would have killer coverage.
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4. Mauve
Tarte Tarteist Glossy Lip Paint in Slay, $20, Sephora
While a mauve may be a bit predictable, it would compliment her other shades so well.
5. Vibrant Pink
Sephora Ultra Shine Lip Gloss in Amazing Pink Sparkling, $7, Sephora
Jenner went a totally different direction with Majesty, why not with her glosses? This vibrant pink is perfect foil to the neutrals she's got.
Images: Courtesy of brands