These Tasty Foods Aren't Unhealthy After All
There seems to be a general consensus about foods that we consider to be healthy — kale, beets, coconuts — they're all in the clear. But there are actually three foods you might not have known were healthy that I promise you will be thrilled to discover, are. Thanks to a survey carried out by The New York Times, the Morning Consult team, and a slew of nutritionists, we can officially move three foods into the health food aisle of our brains and rest assured that we're not jeopardizing our health by indulging in them — because indulge we do!
As it turns out, sushi, hummus, and quinoa are not secret members of the bad food clubs. Though they're delicious, they're still considered healthy. A rare treat! Some of you might be tap dancing right now, but some of you might be reading this and scratching your heads — Huh? People think quinoa is bad for you? Uh yeah, 42 percent of health food eaters believed quinoa to be not particularly beneficial, despite the fact that it's packed with proteins, fibers and minerals. Perhaps it's how filling and grainy it is that makes people think it can't be good for you? A good quinoa bowl will keep you full and energized for hours. It will also keep you healthy.
Hummus on the other hand is maybe too delicious and too often paired with snack foods to be considered healthy, socially speaking. Its creamy texture is reminiscent of lesser nutrient-rich dips and sauces and its ever-presence on the snack table might be givings its image a bad rep. 44 percent of health foodies think hummus falls in the junk food zone, while 90 percent of nutritionists see it as a super health food, jam-packed with protein and antioxidants.
Sushi is one of those foods that people feel really ambivalent about. It's too good and too tasty to convince anyone that it's healthy, but at the same time you're like, this is veggies and fish. How bad can it be? 51 percent of health food eaters believe sushi is not healthy, while 75 percent of nutritionists say it is!
Obviously it depends on what kind of sushi you get. Brown rice is always a healthier options and if you get deep-fried fish with a mayo-based sauce, yeah, it's not going to be as healthy as a smaller fresh roll, but that's just common sense. Fish is a great source of protein while seaweed and sushi-friendly veggies are packed with vitamins.
So, quinoa, hummus and sushi fans, rejoice. Your beloved foods are as good for you as you hoped they'd be. And if you're ever unsure about a dish you love to order, you can try making it at home — it's the best way to control the quality of nutrition.