
Is This 'Big Brother's Next Showmance?

by Laura Rosenfeld

Just when you thought that Big Brother houseguest Devin had gotten all of his crazy out, he proved everyone wrong by using the Power of Veto to pull Brittany off the block and put Zach up in her place. Now why would Devin do such a thing? All week, he has been gunning to get Brittany out of the house after she supposedly questioned his integrity when he admitted he had been trying to get Donny evicted. When Devin pulled his key to reveal his nomination, he told Brittany, "I don't want to make this personal, but I don't want somebody like you in the house." Ouch.

Devin even convinced Paola to throw the Battle of the Block competition so Brittany wouldn't have the chance to be saved. He was livid to discover that many of his fellow "Bomb Squad" members wanted to evict Paola instead. And we all saw how he blew up over Brittany leaving her hand lotion in the kitchen.

So maybe he and Brittany did broker a deal so that he would take her off the block and they would keep each other safe before the Power of Veto Ceremony. But I think we all know that there is really only one explanation for all of this: Devin wants to be in a showmance with Brittany.

I know, I know. It really is crazy, but if you think about it, it makes total sense. From the minute Devin found out Brittany also has children, he immediately gained a unique respect and appreciation for her. In fact, it was one of the main reasons why he made a deal with Brittany in the first place. He said that Brittany's sacrifice in leaving her children to be on Big Brother touched his Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson-sized heart. After using the Veto, Devin said to Brittany, "Getting to know you, I've realized you're a great woman, a great person, and a great mother," and he just couldn't see a mother walk out the door. Devin really seems to have forged a strong connection to Brittany over parenting. So strong, he blew up "The Bomb Squad" to keep her in the house.

It also looks like Devin's true feelings for Brittany have been revealed on the live feeds but have not made it to air on CBS yet. Devin reportedly told Frankie, "I'm losing my mind... I legitimately like her," in reference to Brittany, according to Online Big Brother. And because Devin is apparently a seventh grader, he asked Frankie to tell Brittany this.

Unfortunately for Devin, when Brittany found out about his romantic feelings for her, she found it more creepy than flattering. Brittany told Nicole that she realizes Devin is trying to flirt with her by bringing her pickles (ah, the vegetable of love). Brittany also heard he wants to invite her to his HoH room, not to talk game but to get to know her better. Ew.

However, Brittany is smart, and she's worried that Devin's good graces means he's planning something. "I'm two steps ahead of you, dumbass," Brittany said.

If Devin's feelings for Brittany are genuine, this certainly would be an unexpected showmance, but with everyone pairing up, something like this is also just bound to happen. One thing is for sure: Brittany's acknowledgment of Devin's creepiness makes her our new favorite houseguest.

Images: CBS; bricesander/Tumblr, nedskalantar/Tumblr, amberslays/Tumblr