
She Thinks He's the Best Kisser Ever

by Nicole Fabian-Weber

Um, you guys? This is a little weird. In a recent interview with E! News, Megan Fox admit that her favorite on-screen kiss was with... Shia LaBeouf. Yep, despite having locked lips with numerous hotties, including Adam Scott in Friends With Kids and Amanda Seyfried in Jennifer's Body, Fox, without a moment's hesitation, rated her Transformers co-star as numero uno — and it's a little uncomfy, being that LaBeouf is, you know, not the undouchiest person in the world.

In a 2011 interview with Details, LaBeouf admit to hooking up with Fox while they were shooting Transformers (again, not the undouchiest thing to do), so it isn't a complete shock that he and Megan had chemistry on-screen. But the best, Megan? Like, no one better? Really? Even after he peed outside a restaurant, and was arrested for brawling during a performance of Cabaret? You can still unequivocally call LaBeouf the best? Man, dude must be one hell of a kisser.

In other news, somewhere in the world, LaBeouf was just spotted doing a happy dance because, despite being one of Hollywood's least likable guys lately, one of the hottest women alive still thinks he's a great kisser.

Image: Favim