Tinder Headshot DO's and DON'T's

We already know you can make a killing off of investing in Tinder, but Brooklyn-based photographer Max Schwartz proves you can make a killing off of a Tinder headshot as well. Schwartz's new business charges clients for professional, retouched headshots for their Tinder profiles, individually priced at $75 a shot. Although the site started as a joke, it's actually turned into quite the savvy business model. Schwartz now says he receives at least 10 requests a week for headshots after launching this summer. For each photo, Schwartz poses men and women against a white backdrop, telling Business Insider that his intent is for them to look "warm and inviting." He also says he's received feedback from men and women reporting that his photos have increased their number of matches.
Although Tinder Headshots is still Schwartz's side job, it has the makings of a budding company. He's even in the process of developing another business for snapping LinkedIn photos called Look Like a Boss. Of course, I'm still more interested in the photos that will determine the future course of my love life. In creating Tinder Headshots, Schwartz seems to have recognized the slew of lackluster profiles that often appear on Tinder and prevent men and women from getting that coveted right swipe. But just in case you don't have $75 to drop on a prof pic, here are some of my major Tinder DO's and DON'T's to ensure that your headshot reflects your best self, courtesy of our very own Ryan Gosling.
1. DO give us a smile.
Any other facial expression tends to come off as creepy or boring. I don't care if you feel awkward in the moment, no one can resist a pair of pearly whites (actually, on second thought, make sure they are in fact pearly and white.)
2. DON'T stick out your middle finger.
Men of Tinder, giving us the finger in your prof pic does not make you cool, or interesting, or an anarchist, or whatever impression you're trying to impart. It makes you a douche bag.
3. DO make sure you're wearing clothes.
Guys: I beg of you, stop trying to take off your shirt. And please no more shirtless selfies of you in the mirror. I don't care if MySpace is back, that look is so 2004. Girls: Probably best not to have a full-on display of your goodies as a first impression.
4. DON'T post a blurry pic.
There's nothing more frustrating for Tinder-users than a blurry photo. You might as well post no photo at all, since it says practically nothing about yourself or your appearance. It also signals to me that either (a) you're too lazy to care or (b) you're not confident enough to show us your real self.
5. DO make sure it's a solo shot.
For the love of God, we're sick of trying to figure out who you are among a sea of your best friends. For me, group pics are an automatic swipe left.
6. DON'T post a pic of you with a cigarette or blowing a puff of smoke.
First off, it makes me want to vomit. Smoking is not cool, it kills. Secondly, it's far too cliché. Leave the sexy smoking to Ryan.
7. DO make sure we can see your face.
It kind of defeats the purpose to upload a photo with your face cut off or hidden by some uniform or costume. We want to see what we're working with up top.
8. DON'T post a pic of you holding a puppy.
I will not be able to resist, I will swipe right, and I will get trapped in a convo with a guy I only liked because he was holding a puppy. Spare me the agony, please!!!
9. DO show me something you love.
Plain headshots are great, but pictures of you next to a race car because you love racing or holding a soccer ball because you're an athlete give me a better sense of who you are. Just maybe don't make the face that Ryan's making.
10. DON'T chuck up the deuce.
All I have to say to those Tinder users holding up a peace sign is no. Just, no.
Images: Nathan Rupert/Flickr; Giphy (7); gabriela aguirre/Pinterest; Despoina Johnny/Pinterest; Buzzfeed