When it comes to Halloween costume shopping, no other show provides more inspiration than American Horror Story. The diverse cast of characters, the captivating wardrobe ensembles — it's just the thing to put you in the spooky holiday spirit and American Horror Story: Freak Show is no exception. From Elsa Mars dressed in David Bowie's iconic blue suit to pulling double duty as conjoined twins Bette and Dot, there are an unparalleled number of options you can choose from. However, those looking to create your own AHS: Freak Show Halloween costumes this year should err on the side of caution when it comes to deciding who you're actually going to be — so as to not offend the characters and, more importantly, the talented actors who play them.
Let's not forget that this is a show centered around the premise of so-called "freaks," and while your intentions may be pure, dressing up to emulate some of them has the potential to come across as highly offensive. So as a way to help you tread that fine line, I've come up with a few easy costume suggestions for you to consider as well as a few that you should just avoid altogether.
The Dos:
Jimmy Darling
Casual clothing is the order of the day when it comes to Jimmy Darling's attire. Just grab a buttoned-up shirt along with a pair of old pants and you're actually already halfway there, apart from a few pivotal accessories.
Plaid Ivy Cap, $4, Amazon
This plaid ivy cap will be just the thing to top off your Jimmy ensemble.
Leather Gloves
Leather Driving Gloves, $29, Amazon
Not only will these leather driving gloves make you look badass, but it will leave you, like Jimmy, with an aire of mystery as to what can be found underneath. From what I hear, it's a real lady pleaser.
Gloria & Dandy Mott
Those looking for a mother-son combo can't go wrong with this dynamic duo.
Gloria's Red Dress
Vintage Dress, $54, Amazon
For a reasonable $54 you can buy this vintage Audrey Hepburn 3/4 sleeve dress, which you'll be able to use over and over again, especially with the holiday season coming up. Just add a pair of black dress gloves and you'll be ready to paint the town red.
This elegant red dress hat will go perfectly with your red dress and make you look like the epitome of high society. Gloria wouldn't have it any other way.
Blue Blazer, $22, Amazon
Add a collar shirt (preferably yellow) to this $22 blue blazer along with a pair of khakis to give you that sophisticated and entitled look that we've come to know and love/hate from dear Dandy.
Ethel Darling & Dell Toledo
If you're in the market for a unique couples costume, then you don't have to look any further than Ethel and Dell, whose relationship seems almost as peculiar as the plot line itself.
Ethel's Lounge Dress & Beard
Embroidered Chambray Dress, $23, Amazon
Take this $23 Chambray dress, add on this $5 beard and you'll be the spitting image of Ethel Darling before you know it. Bonus points if you nail .
Suspenders, $11, Amazon
It doesn't really matter what kind of suspenders you get, just clip these two a pair of pants over a buttoned up dress shirt and you'll be good to go. (Please note: for the whole "Strong Man" effect, you may want to start lifting weights ASAP.)
Maggie Esmerelda
You can't go wrong imitating Emma Roberts, especially when she's playing a fortunetelling con artist. And the best part is, the costume is super easy to put together.
Maggie's Sweater
Short Sleeved Sweater, $5, Ebay
Assuming that every woman has at least one black skirt in their closet, just add this $5 short sleeved sweater (above) and this green hat (below) into the mix and you'll be well on your way to conning the candy out of every kid in town.
Edward Mordrake
Dignified, handsome, a second face on the back of the head — what's not to love? Luckily, though, his wardrobe isn't nearly as complicated as his history.
Edward's White Ruffle Front Shirt
White Tuxedo Shirt, $19, Amazon
Though a black dress coat and pants shouldn't be too hard to find in your closet, you'll probably have a harder time tracking down a white ruffled shirt. Fortunately, this can easily be located on Amazon for the fair price of $19. Tack on another $6 and you'll also receive a proper gentleman's top hat, which will go nicely with the rest of your fancy attire.
US Toy Top Hat, $5, Amazon
Handmade Mask, $26, Etsy
But, of course, you wouldn't really be Edward Mordrake without his legendary second face. This $26 handmade mask makes for the perfect addition. Just tie some string together with it and place the mask on the back of your head, guaranteeing to give your friends a little extra surprise every time you turn around.
The Cane
Black Stain Walking Cane, $20, Amazon; Fancier Walking Cane, $40, Amazon
For those who really want to go full out with this can also include this black stain walking cane for the mere price of $20. And those with a little extra cash to burn can even indulge in this fancier version for $55.
*Everyone is responsible for their own Wes Bentley-style, facial hair growth. May the mutton chops be with you!*
The Don'ts
Ma Petite & Pepper
As much as you may love these characters, trying to mimic their appearances could come across as very insensitive. Jyoti Amge, who plays Ma Petite, told FX during an interview that she hates being held like a baby, so trying to dress your kid up like her wouldn't exactly be in the best taste.
And while Naomi Grossman doesn't have a microcephalic condition in real life, there are those out there that do, and to try and reflect that feels like mocking, in a way. Just because it's Halloween doesn't give anyone the excuse to be offensive.
Desiree Dupree
As we've already established, the use of the word hermaphrodite in and of itself is not very PC, so it's probably best to stay away from the subject entirely. Plus, someone already came out with a tacky Halloween three-boob costume back in September and you are way better than that.
Legless Suzi
To be honest, I'm not even sure how you would go about doing this, but I guarantee it would make you come across like a complete and total jerk. Let's just not, shall we?
Paul the Illustrated Seal
Mat Fraser may be awesomely open and comfortable about his condition, but that doesn't mean he should be turned into some Halloween spoof costume. Again, it just comes across as rude and mocking — two things Fraser (as well as others like him) don't deserve in any sort of capacity.
Meep the Geek
Not to sound like a broken record, but mocking is cruel, so just steer clear of it. The world (and the chickens) will be better off for it.
Images: FX; Michele K. Short/FX (8); Amazon (12); eBay; Etsy; Frank Ockenfels/FX; Getty