What happens when you combine a hilarious animated series with an incredibly talented actress? That question will be answered in just a few hours when Allison Tolman guest stars as Pam's Sister on Archer Thursday night for "Edie's Wedding." The actress will take on the role of the titled character, Edie — Pam Poovey’s often mentioned, but never before seen horrible sister, which should prove to be quite the interesting encounter, to say the least. (Nothing allows family drama to ensue better than at a wedding. Cheers!) However, crazy plot antics aside, this is not the first time Tolman has lent her voice (or acting) to a small screen production.
In fact, she's become quite the breakout star just over the last year and has continued to garner more and more popularity ever since. And thankfully, Archer has opted to keep the ball rolling, proving yet again that Tolman's talents simply can not be denied. So those of you who find yourselves sitting on the couch, wondering why Pam's sister's voice sounds oh-so familiar, you need not look any further for your answer. Check out the highlights of Tolman's most memorable TV projects below and discover just where you've seen those acting chops before. For example… ever heard of a little Emmy and Golden Globe-nominated FX series called Fargo? (You betcha!)
She Made Fargo's First Season
That's right, folks — Pam's sister and Fargo's moralistic cop Molly Solverson are played by the exact same person. So be on the look out for any Fargo-related shout outs throughout the episode that the writers may decide to throw in for a bit of fun. (Side note: And if you have never heard of or have yet to see the Fargo series then I suggest you do so ASAP. It's just so gosh darn good, doncha know!)
She Was Great on The Mindy Project
Tolman appeared in two episodes as Abby Berman, an erotic novel writer who is set up on a blind date with Peter. I mean, Tolman and Adam Pally on a blind date together? It really doesn't get much better than that. The actress played her part to perfection and brought just the sass that Peter needed and deserved. I certainly wouldn't say no to her popping up again in the future.
And She Graced HBO's Hello Ladies: The Movie With Her Presence
FX and FOX aren't the only networks that have recognized Tolman's talents. HBO cast the star in their 2014 TV movie Hello Ladies in the role of Kate, which premiered in November. And now that she's making her Archer debut, there's no telling what kind of doors this could potentially open. Maybe they'll love her so much they've even decide to bring her on full-time. Either way, though, it doesn't seem Tolman is going anywhere anytime soon, and I for one, couldn't be happier.
Images: FX; Chris Large/FX; Erica Parise/FOX