One of the only reasons to look forward to Monday is being taken away from us with Better Call Saul's Season 1 finale airing on April 6. Not to be too greedy or anything, but to avoid going all Garfield about Mondays, I need to know when Season 2 of Better Call Saul will premiere. Better Call Saul was renewed for a second season back in June 2014 — months before Season 1 even premiered. Back then it was reported that Season 2 would be extended to 13 episodes (Season 1 has a count of 10 episodes) and that its sophomore season would premiere in 2016. But considering that Better Call Saul was originally set to premiere in Nov. 2014 and then moved to Feb. 8, 2015, maybe don't hold your breath on that vague 2016 timeframe.
Of course, it would make sense for Better Call Saul to premiere in Feb. 2016 since that's the month Season 1 aired. While most TV shows premiere in Sept., AMC doesn't play by the rules (and with their quality programming, they've proven they don't have to). And though I have no official facts and figures on this, most networks don't change the month a series starts each of its new seasons. For example, AMC's The Walking Dead always has its first episode of each new season premiering in Oct. (If something ain't broke, why fix it?) So, I'd expect we'd see Jimmy McGill/Saul Goodman return in Feb. 2016.
The first episode of Season 1 of Better Call Saul was the highest rated series premiere in cable history. (Of course, that's not that big of a surprise.) The series premiered on Sunday, following the midseason premiere of Season 5 of The Walking Dead, which is consistently the most-watched show on cable, so I'm sure that helped give it a ratings bump. But its success also must be credited to the fact that Better Call Saul has a built-in fan base — something most shows do not have the luxury of starting off with. And we're not talking any fan base here — we're talking about the fervent fans of Walter White and Jesse Pinkman from Breaking Bad. So the fact that Better Call Saul has been successful is no surprise. (Even if poor Jimmy McGill hasn't been so successful as a lawyer this season.)
But what makes Better Call Saul so refreshing — and why I'm so thrilled that it already has a Season 2 is that even though it's technically a spinoff, it's so original (props to the TV master Vince Gilligan). Better Call Saul may share the same physical location as Breaking Bad, but the story belongs to Saul — not Walt — this time. So the setting, the pacing, the storytelling is true to the character we already know and love — Saul. (Well, Jimmy McGill for now?)
So yeah, we'll probably have to wait until Feb. 2016 to see Saul brighten up our Mondays for Season 2. I just ask AMC that it not be later than Feb. And until then, I'll be back to hating Mondays.
Images: Ursula Coyote/AMC; raymukada, xerxeez, thatcoylookback/Tumblr