'Gilmore Girls' Guide To Decorating Your Home

There's one thing Gilmore Girls fans know to be invariably true: You can never have too much Lorelai, Rory, and company in your life. This could be the reason I've already marathoned the entire series once or ten times since it was posted to Netflix last October. As much as I would enjoy watching Gilmore Girls all day, every day, sometimes I am forced to take breaks because apparently the world didn't get the memo that I would prefer to spend every waking hour immersed in the world of Stars Hollow. But, just because I can't watch Gilmore Girls on a loop all day and night doesn't mean I can't surround myself with reminders of my happy place. That's why Gilmore Girls merchandise exists, after all.
Websites like Etsy and Cafe Press have Gilmore Girls fans covered for all our home decorating needs, from wall art to coffee mugs to wine charms. So, when we need to take Netflix breaks in order to take care of obligations like housework, phone calls, or watching some of our other favorite TV shows, we can at least look around us and take comfort in reminders of the magic of Stars Hollow and our favorite mother-daughter duo.
I would buy all of the below swag, if only it would all fit in my studio apartment. But, a girl can dream, and one day maybe I will be living in Stars Hollow in a house filled with the following items:
1. Vintage Stars Hollow Poster
This vintage-style poster perfectly captures the essence of Stars Hollow and its quaint, old-fashioned feel. Remind me again why this town can't exist in real life?
Stars Hollow Vintage Travel Poster, $14 from Etsy
2. Themed Wine Charms
Every home needs a set of wine charms for hosting social gatherings and parties. If your guests are confused by the meanings, then you have the perfect conversation starter — all the reasons they should immediately start watching Gilmore Girls.
Gilmore Girls Theme Wine Charms, $40 (For Set of 10) from Etsy
3. Charlie's Angels Plates
Lorelai and Rory were extremely proud of their entire vintage set of Charlie's Angels plates. Rory told Emily that an entire set is hard to find (it took them years!) and let me tell you... she was right. Don't worry, I found the next best thing: these cocktail plates.
Angels Square Cocktail Plates, $11.97 each from Cafe Press
4. Coffee Addict Clock
Question: What's the best way to tell time? Answer: This clock featuring dialogue from the opening scene of the pilot.
Coffee Addict Modern Wall Clock, $42.50 from Cafe Press
5. Oy With The Poodles Mug
Coffee mugs are a must for any Gilmore Girls fan, and this one features a classic Lorelai and Rory joke that caused Emily to simply shake her head. What more could you ask for?
Oy With the Poodles Already Mug, $12 from Etsy
6. Pizza: It's A Religion, It's A Lifestyle Print
The only thing Lorelai and Rory loved more than coffee (and each other, of course) was pizza and all other forms of junk food.
Pizza Black & White 8x10 Print, $20 from Etsy
7. Meowing Alarm Clock
Lorelai's purring alarm clock infamously caused her to oversleep on Rory's first day at Chilton. This great alarm clock isn't fuzzy like Lorelai's, but I'm sure it reliably meows on time and you will never be late for work or school.
Meowing Alarm Clock, $18.54 from Amazon
8. Stars Hollow Books Pillow
This throw pillow adds the perfect touch to any room. I'm sure Rory would agree.
Stars Hollow Books Throw Pillow, $24.50 from Cafe Press
9. Yale University College Girl Poster
When Lorelai wanted Rory to know she was OK with her decision to choose Yale over Harvard, she replaced all the Harvard memorabilia in Rory's bedroom with Yale swag. This vintage style poster would have been a welcome addition.
Yale University College Girl Poster, $17 from Cafe Press
10. Coffee With A Shot Of Cynicism Mug
There can never be too many coffee mugs purchased during a Gilmore Girls-inspired home shopping spree.
Coffee, Please, and a Shot of Cynicism, $10 from Etsy
11. Luke's Cork Coasters
These coasters are perfect for the countless mugs of coffee you throw back every day.
Gilmore Girls Cork Coasters, $5.95 from Etsy
12. In Omnia Paratus Magnet
The Life and Death Brigade's motto was "In Omnia Paratus" — Be Ready For Anything. Personally, I'm ready for another Gilmore Girls marathon.
Gilmore Girls: In Omnia Paratus Magnet, $5 from Etsy
Be honest, you're already buying all of these, aren't you?
Images: Warner Bros. Television; WindowShopGal, CharmedByWine, TheSilverSpider, ToastPaperCo, MattieJeanB, TheNerdyDog , UberDorkDesigns /Etsy; Sally McLean, Quotable-TV-Shop, Anon. Cafe Press User, CardCow/Cafe Press; Streamline Store/Amazon; Giphy