Only one hour of Big Brother 17 has aired, and already three twists have been introduced — well, to us viewers. As far as the houseguests know, there are only two. During Wednesday night's Big Brother 17 premiere, host Julie Chen revealed that last year's Battle of the Block competition is returning, and that the BB Takeover means there will be a new twist every single week. Then she told the audience only about the twin twist, and though Big Brother houseguest Shelli Poole has a twin, it doesn't look like she'll be involved.
Similar to a concept from Season 5, the twin twist means that one houseguest is an identical twin and will secretly take turns in the house with their twin, pretending to be one person. If the twins make it to Week 5, they'll be allowed to start competing as two separate players, revealing the twist to their fellow houseguests. Some fans may have believed that Shelli would be part of this twist, since she told a story involving her twin during the premiere, but that doesn't seem to be the case.
According to her CBS bio, Shelli is a fraternal twin, so she wouldn't be able to pretend to be her sibling. Currently, signs point to Liz, who hasn't entered the house yet, possibly being the twin, but nothing has been confirmed. Still, even if we don't know who the twins are for a few weeks, don't worry about studying Shelli too closely. It seems like her story was nothing more than a coincidence.
Things change so often in the Big Brother house, though, it can be hard to keep track — so, for all the up-to-date info on Shelli, her twin, and everything else going on in the series, check out Bustle's very own Big Brother podcast, The Diary Room. Listen to the latest episode below, and be sure to check out future episodes on Bustle’s SoundCloud page.
Image: CBS