
'Sex&Drugs&Rock&Roll's Flash Is So Not Aidan Shaw

by Lindsay Denninger

Denis Leary, king of dark comedy, is turning over a new leaf. Of course, he’s always been a bit of a rock star, but now he is literally playing one on TV. In his new FX comedy, Sex&Drugs&Rock&Roll , Leary plays an influential aging rocker who has outlived his fame (and he didn’t even have that much fame), but insists on living like one of the young guns in the business today. Sounds familiar, right? Good, because it’s a super common trope in TV. And, as far as the first episode goes, I don’t see much to separate Leary’s character, Johnny Rock, from the rest. Who does intrigue me, however, is John Corbett’s Flash (a combo of Flea and Slash, maybe?), the guitarist of the Heathens.

Besides being the voice in the Walgreens and Applebee's commercials, Corbett has starred in shows like Northern Exposure and Sex and the City, and in movies like My Big Fat Greek Wedding. He’s also a country singer. All in all, Corbett plays the nice guy. Has he been typecasted? I don’t know if he has or if these roles are just what he prefers, but it’s totally refreshing to see Corbett play a smarmy, slimy rock star. Goodbye, Aidan Shaw — you’ve been replaced by a badass. Here are the ways that Corbett’s Flash is the opposite of our Sex and the City boyfriend.

1. Flash Has Sold Out

When we meet Flash, he’s the lead guitarist for Lady Gaga’s tour, so he’s not really a legend to the audience who is currently hearing his playing, but he’s taking the money anyway. I guess that makes him a sellout — just going where the cash flow is. If presented with the opportunity to make a whole lotta cash while mildly selling out at the same time, I don’t think Aidan would have taken it. He seemed pretty happy with his simple furniture store and investing in Steve’s bar and that was it. Simple life, simple guy.

2. Flash Isn’t Too Keen On Helping Out An Old Friend

After Gigi, Johnny Rock’s daughter, comes around asking for her dad’s help in promoting a singing career, Johnny knocks on Flash’s door for assistance. Too bad Flash isn’t hearing it. Aidan would have jumped at the chance to bail out an old friend — he even lifted a naked Miranda from her bathroom floor when she blew her neck out and Carrie couldn’t get there to help her. But, the only way Flash is convinced to help Johnny is when he sees how hot his daughter is, which leads me to…

3. Flash Likes ‘Em Young

Flash is in his late 50s/early 60s (presumably), and he is regularly banging chicks who are 19-25. And, I get it, he’s got most of his hair, he’s still hot and trim, and he's a little dangerous. Overall, he’s an appealing man. But at some point, you have to start turning away the girls that you could have fathered. Aidan was always super age-appropriate, and he only had eyes for the woman he was with (which was Carrie, mostly, even though she didn’t deserve him).

Convinced enough of Corbett’s foray into jerk-land? Check out Sex&Drugs&Rock&Roll on FX and see Flash’s badassery for yourself. Bye bye, Aidan! We won’t miss you.

Images: FX; Giphy (3)