Is 'BB17's Johnny Mac Any Good At Music?

John McGuire calls himself the Rockstar Dentist Johnny Mac on Big Brother 17, but that doesn’t mean he’s an actual rock star, does it? With mounds of student loan debt and a family lake house to save (both are the reasons why he hopes to win this season of Big Brother and the $500,000 cash prize), I can’t imagine John has much time to perform at nonpaying gigs like most amateur musicians do — plus, with his burgeoning dental business, there’s probably no time for him to play professionally.
But, that doesn’t mean the guy isn’t good at music! I mean, we know from countless Diary Room interviews that Johnny Mac plays a mean air guitar. He can hardly keep from falling off the back of the couch when he plays it, arching waaaay back and leaving the camera frame while he rocks out. A guy with that much commitment to the air guitar has to have some serious music-playing skills, right?
But, if you're really wondering whether or not Johnny Mac has any actual musical talent, trust me when I say that Thursday's episode will tell all. If the Rockstar Dentist has any actual rock star skills, it will all be on display, because — as the losers of the Battle of the Block — Johnny Mac, Jason, and Liz were tasked with dressing all in white and performing as The Whackstreet Boys (in honor of ‘90s week in the house, OF COURSE). Though — as the live feeds depicted — he didn't get a chance to showcase any actual guitar skills while performing in the "band," Johnny Mac definitely showed off that he has MOVES. I mean, he’s definitely no Liz, who takes the performance to a WHOLE 'NOTHER LEVEL, but he definitely rolls his body and points at the air like a total champ.
Look, he’s even relatively on time with the music!
OK, so it’s not the most telling of performances. Still, I give Johnny Mac credit for getting into it. I mean, I don’t think that says anything about his music ability, but it shouldn't be ignored that he didn't totally bomb when performing such a ridiculous act in front of millions of viewers.
So, let’s all give Johnny Mac a little break before we cast him aside as musically challenged. I’m still holding out hope that John has some musical skills that the show will highlight one of these days. I just wish he had been allowed to bring his guitar. How sweet/insane would melodies sung by a screaming Johnny Mac be?
To keep track of whether or not Johnny Mac will ever live up to his name as the Rockstar Dentist — along with all of the other craziness going on in the Big Brother house — check out Bustle’s very own Big Brother podcast, The Diary Room. Listen to the latest episode below, and be sure to check out future episodes on Bustle’s SoundCloud page and iTunes.
Image: CBS